anything you say can, and will be used against you...

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I miss her. No I don't just miss her, I'm feening for her right now. The last time I've seen her is the art gallery and that was about 2 days ago. I convinced Gale to trick my mom into thinking that I was bed ridden sick and he convinced her to go out and "take a night for herself".

"You know what I think Mrs. Du Pont?" Gale asked at dinner.

"I think you need a break from all this. Maybe just a night all to yourself."

How my mother believed that shit is beyond me but I didn't really care, as long as I got to see Mayson, my girlfriend. I smiled just thinking about her. And now I'm torturing myself as I lay in bed thinking of the fact that adorable human was mine and mine only but I couldn't see her.

When I saw the painting she painted me for the art gallery, I cried. Then when I saw her explanation and the details of the painting, I violently cried. It's a wonder how my face wasn't tear ridden, snot streaked, and puffed up. Then to make the night even better she said she loved me.

Well, almost. She didn't specially say it, but I was happy with just being with her. I would go at any pace she wanted just as long we stayed together.

I debated calling her at this very second because I wanted 2 things: Her attention and to hear her sleepy voice.

Her voice when she just wakes up or is about to go to bed makes me quite literally feral. Her voice gets slightly deeper and her slight rasp is way more prominent and her voice is more breathy.

I wanted to do inhumane things to that woman but I promised myself I would keep it chill and wait till she was ready.

Don't even know if I can do that anymore and it's barely been 48 hours since we started officially dating.

I decided to finally get out of bed even though it is around 5am because I knew I was not going back to sleep anytime soon. I had unwillingly excited myself thinking about Mayson and now my brain won't shut off.

I brushed my teeth and put on some workout clothes as I decided I might as well just use this time to tire myself out so so I can sleep. Or increase my stamina for future activities...

I changed into a tight cream long sleeve crop top and matching biker shorts then made my way downstairs to the workout room. Our workout room is massive, I wouldn't doubt if it was bigger than actual public workout rooms.

My workout consisted of simple cardio and abs, nothing too much but just enough to get me fatigued. Once I was finished, I sat in the sauna for a bit thinking about Mayson, my girlfriend. I took a picture of myself and sent it to Mayson because she gets flustered when I do that. Then I went upstairs to eat some breakfast.

When I got there Mrs. Hernandez had just finished making breakfast and my mother was sitting at the island already fastly typing on her computer. Oh joy.

"Good morning, mother." I muttered quietly, walking into the kitchen.

My mother spared me a glance then continued typing on her computer, "You look like you just climbed out of a sewer." She said in a flat tone.

I fought back a scowl, "I just finished working out." I explained.

"I never look like that when I finish working out." She finally looked up.

I shrugged, "Guess I take after Dad." I said to piss her off. For some odd reason she hates the fact that in the face, I'm a spitting image of my father. The only traits I inherited from her were my eyes and hair color.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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