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Words cannot explain how much I despise school.

Especially the one I go to. All it is, is rich, entitled kids who wipe their ass with 100 dollar bills.

Like today we were learning about Slavery and the Civil Rights Movement in AP US History. Our teacher put us into partners to read and research about slavery and I swear to god I've never met anyone more ignorant.

"I don't understand why we have to learn about this, it won't even help me in the future." The girl I'm working with grumbles.

I look up from writing notes dumbfounded, "The Civil Rights Movement may be one of the most influential movements of the history of our country. Everything that happened in that time period still affects us today." I explain slowly.

Honestly it's amazing how one can be so ignorant.

She looks at me like I'm stupid, "How does a stupid war in the 1860s affect me today?"

Lord give me strength.

I take a deep breathe before replying, "You do realize this country was built by immigrants? Especially black people. I guarantee you, most of you favorite things, were originated by a person of color."

"Oh yeah? My favorite genre is country music. That's purely American culture!" She said smugly.

"Oh for the love of god..." I muttered, rubbing the the bridge of my nose, "First of all, cowboys originated from Spain, America just stole it and made it their own. And second of all American culture doesn't exist, like I said this country was built on immigrants, including its "culture".

"That's a lie!" She fumed.

"Uh huh..." I say flatly, "Explain to me why that's a lie." I said calmly.

"Well... we have our own culture, y-you just have to look hard enough!" She quickly grew red.

"Right... Let's just get this done." I muttered turning back to my work. Mrs. Jackson had always told me the greatest thing in this world, is the freedom to be idiot and in this moment, I have never understood something more.

I can't help but think of how Ryan would put this girl on her ass if she heard the bullshit spewing from her mouth.

I chuckle quietly to myself as I feel a pair of eyes burning at the side of my head. I glance to my left to see the girl staring into my soul.

Her eyes reminded me of a child who wanted your phone to play games and it was freaking me out.

I sigh and try to ignore her and do my work but apparently I couldn't even work in peace.

"You know... you're really attractive for a scholarship student." She says squinting at me.

"Uhhh... thanks?" I say furrowing my eyebrows.

"No problem." She smirks at me, getting terrifyingly close, putting her hand on my bicep.

Since when is being polite an invitation to invade personal space?

I leaned as far away from her as possible when the bell rang and I fell out of my seat, on my ass.

I scrambled to my feet and gathered my stuff quickly, not even bothering to put stuff into their respective pockets, "Welp... this was fun... see ya!" I said not even waiting for a reply and speed walking out of the classroom.

I let out a breathe as I walked down the halls, making way to my next class. As I was walking to my next class, I saw Paris Du Pont talking to Leon. Or more like he was talking while she was forcefully listening, as he had his arms by her head, trapping her against the lockers.

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