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"You have some serious explaining to do." My mother seethes as I walked into the living room.

I rolled my eyes and mentally prepared myself for her bullshit.

"Where were you?" She damn near yelled.

"I was out, just driving around." I sighed.

My mother shook her head, "You're lying. You were with that dyke, weren't you?" She gritted her teeth.

My eye twitched slightly when she insulted Mayson. I took a deep breath to keep my composure, "No mother, I'm not. I needed some time alone, away from your suffocation." I said calmly.

She stood from her seat before downing the glass of whiskey next to her, "Do you think I'm stupid?" She chuckled, "If you needed some "time alone", why didn't you just say that? Instead of lying and saying you were going to Stella's?"

I scoffed at her antics, "Would you have let me go if I told you the truth?"

"That's not the fucking point." She grit her teeth.

"Isn't it, mother?" I challenged, "You disappear for months then come back to keep me under lock and key." I slightly raised my voice, "Fuck that." I shook my head.

"Watch your language when you speak to me, child." She warned lowly. "If I find out-," She stopped herself and shook her head, "No, when, I find out you were with that girl, there will be repercussions." She said slowly.

"Go ahead mother, you already treat me like a child." I said bored.

She chuckled lowly before turning to leave, "Be careful what you wish for, my dear Paris." She said and walked out.

I rolled my eyes at her dramatic antics and turned to go to my room. As soon I was safe in the comforts of my room, I dropped to my bed and screamed into my pillow.

I turned and gazed up to my ceiling and took a deep breath, a dark feeling rising in my gut. I don't know what she's planning but I know it can't be good, I thought as I let my exhaustion take over, drifting off to sleep.


I'm actually the greatest human there ever was . I stepped back, staring proudly at the two finished paintings sitting on their easels. Only took like 36 hours but hey, at least I'm done. I rolled my shoulders and cracked my neck.

Two down, one more to go.

I did Stella and another one of Ryans's paintings first. I already planned to do one of Paris, but I'm saving that one for last.

I looked at the time, sighing, when I realized I had to get to school on no sleep. I mean, at least it's Friday I thought as I took a quick shower and put on my uniform.

I looked in the mirror to see tired eyes staring back. I'm not surprised as I've been barely sleeping to finish the paintings. Not to mention, I've barely talked to Paris the past few days, which was expected but still kinda hurt.

I head out, making sure to lock the door, before getting on my bike heading to school. After a cold, peaceful ride I arrive at school, locking my bike and heading inside.

I checked my surroundings as I walked in, anxious of my surroundings. The whole week I can't shake this feeling that someone has been watching me. I usually would've blamed it on my lack of sleep but I've been on high alert all week due to the football championship today.

Our lovely football team has this tradition where they randomly pick someone to be our school's "lucky" scarecrow to "represent" our mascot and tie them to a post in the middle of a field close to the school every championship game.

paint me like one of your french girls (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now