disney villain

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"Have you ever liked someone?" I asked Evan, on a early Thursday morning. Paris's birthday was tomorrow and I still had no idea what I was going to get her.

I'm not working with a lot considering how much money I have but I want it to be something meaningful.

"Yeah but it didn't end well." Evan snorted.

"What did they get you for your birthday?" I asked.

"A gift card." She muttered, wiping down counters.

I scrunched my nose in disgust, "That's a shit gift."

"He was a shit person." She replied.

I looked at her confused, "So then why did you date him?"

"Because he was nice to me." She grumbled.

"I'm nice to you, would you date me?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows.

She finally looked up from cleaning, "Just go play me my song." She said, annoyed.

"Jeez so touchy-touchy." I muttered, walking to the piano.

"What was that?" She called.

"Nothing I said you're the love of my life." I yelled back.

"Mhm, that's what I thought." I heard her mutter.

"What are you feeling today?" I asked, sitting down at the piano.

"Mmm, I'm in a better mood today so play something light." She answered.

"That was your good mood? If that's your good mood I don't wanna-" I started.

"Just play a damn song Mayson." She snapped.

I laughed, "Anything for you."

A/N: Play the song now

I decided to play Avatar's Love because I was currently watching Avatar the Last Airbender and personally, I think I would be a water bender.

But I played it because it also fits my mood perfectly because it kinda describes how I feel about Paris at the moment. It's like being color blind and finally seeing color for the first time. I never knew I could want to be around someone so much. And I never knew that a single person could make me so happy by just one smile.

It was a nice and a really scary feeling. Nice, because she makes me feel safe and appreciated with just her presence alone. The way she always wants to be around me, makes me feel wanted. Something I've never really felt before.

Scary, because even though we've only known each other for about 2 months she makes me so happy. And a part of me is scared that eventually she'll leave once she realizes I'm not good enough for her.

I hope that day never comes but until then, I'll enjoy all the time we have.

It's like time stops whenever I'm around her and the only thing I can see is her. I don't even mind it because I would look at her all day long if I could.

She's a breathe of fresh air and I couldn't be happier that she came into my life. Even if our friendship doesn't go any further, I'll still be content knowing we were friends at one point.

When I finished I saw Evan just staring at me with tears in her eyes.

"What?" I frowned. She was looking at me like I killed her dog.

"That brought back so many memories." She sniffed, "But you also looked like you were thinking about something while you were playing." She said.

I chuckled, "I'll see you at lunch you big cry baby." I said. Evan just waved me off still wiping her tears. She wasn't wrong when she said I was thinking about someone while I was playing, I thought, walking away.

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