Chapter 40

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"We all did things, and you often got attacked because of what we did, so I decided to do some self-study. It's amazing what you can find on the internet," Lin Jing said with a smile. "You won't have to worry about one of us getting you into trouble anymore. You can get yourself into your own trouble, and you can also treat yourself." He stood up and put his arms around Shen Wei.

"Thank you, for letting us enjoy ourselves, even though you sometimes got hurt," Lin Jing returned Shen Wei's smile as he faded away.

"Thank you for keeping us in one piece," Shen Wei smiled.


A/N:  Yezun told President Zhao about what triggered his existence in Chapter 33.  This chapter is in his POV.

Integration - Day 7 Yezun

It took three sessions to bring Yezun out, and when he finally appeared, he was quiet, but not hostile, and he lay in a defensive position with his arms across his chest.

"Yezun? Is there something that is making you hesitant to do this?" Sister Cheng asked in a soft but firm voice.


"It's understandable that you may feel uneasy. You have all been separate entities until recently," Sister Cheng began.

"I'm glad you didn't say, 'I understand' because you really don't," Yezun uncrossed his arms and relaxed ever so slightly. "I've been observing all the...changes each time one of us integrated. It's surprising...I may not be able to 'talk' to the others like before, but I 'feel' them, if that makes any sense," he said slowly.

"That's a good sign, that the integration is going well. None of the others have 'disappeared,' but have now become a part of the whole. Thank you for sharing that, Yezun," Sister Cheng smiled, immensely relieved to hear that not only was the integration going well, but that Yezun chose to share it from his side without being prompted.

"And I suppose we will not be 'whole' until I agree to this..." Yezun said thoughtfully. But before Sister Cheng could say anything, he quickly added, "Let's get this show started."


Shen Wei was excited and proud of himself.

The training wheels were removed from his bicycle two days ago, and he had tried in vain to balance. Then, all of a sudden, without really thinking about "trying to ride," he pushed off with one foot, and he was gliding down the driveway, wobbling slightly now and then, but definitely balanced. Dare he try to pedal...? He whooped in delight as he pushed down one the pedal once...twice...then one after another in succession! Yes! He was definitely RIDING his bicycle!

Just then, his father drove up to the house, and he could see the surprise on his father's face as he rode up to the car. Unfortunately, he had not thought of how to brake and stop, and he rammed the rear door and toppled over. There was a slight dent and scratch; oh, no, Father will be so upset...

To his surprise, his father picked him up and dusted him off, and then hugged him.

"You can ride your bicycle without training wheels!"

"B-But I damaged your car...I'm sorry, Father..." he held his head down.

"Hmph, it's just a small scratch, and if anyone asks me about it, I will tell them it happened the day my boy grew up." He held Shen Wei at arm's length for a second, then hugged him again. "I'm so proud of you, my son."

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