Chapter 5 - The uncertainities

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"I really enjoyed talking to you Megan" Ryan said when they reached Megan's hostel, a sweet yet cheeky smile plastered on his gorgeous face.

"Me too" she couldn't help but smile back.

The walk back felt short though it was originally long , they talked a lot about almost everything, mostly random stuff like what they like so far about the camp, the crazy stuff that has happened lately around, things that made Megan laugh, she had no idea that crazy things were happening around her and she hadn't noticed. Not even the pranks that the guys had managed to pull on the girls cabin they had passed before reaching the hostels. She needed to be a part of the camp already and that was what she was planning to do.

He handed her the guitar and said "We should do this again sometime" this came out more like a statement other than a question so there was no point denying, not like she wanted to deny anyway, she really liked his company.

"Yeah sure, why not" she said unknowingly looking up to meet his eyes.

"See you later then" he gave a full on grin that made here notice his one dimple on the left below the corner of his mouth . He touched her side in more like a soft careless which left tingling sensations all over her arm. She lost her thought process for a split second. Just his mere touch left her frozen to the spot what more would a kiss do to her, she didn't quite understand why she was even thinking about a kiss with him, maybe her mind was playing tricks on her, she wasn't sure, all she knew was that his lips were breath taking like the rest of him.

She let out a little sigh as she watched him walk away into the dark until he disappeared then she walked inside and into her room.

When Megan stepped into her room, Heathers sweet rose scent she uses in the shower had filled the atmosphere. She immediately noticed her sitting on the table blow drying her semi wet hair still in her towel. Her raven black hair was long and glossy, reaching just below her lower back.

"Meg you're back, how was the music session?" Turning to face her as she dropped her guitar on the bed.

"I actually enjoyed it more that I thought I would" Megan loved being in the music space, it always helped her just get away from the world and getting lost in her own little creative world. She was a little nervous going to this one cause she barely knew anyone, but once she was there, being around like minded people drifted all her anxiety away.

"That's pretty cool, I joined the archery program today, it was pretty epic" She said as she went through the various selection of clothes she had laid out on the bed.

"Oh really? Jeremy also joined archery, he's so good at it, he's been practicing ever since I met him a couple of years ago" she noticed Heather stiff up a bit for a swift moment at the mention of Jeremy's name. She didn't want to think she was imagining things and didn't want to pry, so she pulled her legs up from the ground and crossed them on the bed she was sitting.

"Uuhm yeah, I met him there again today...." she paused to pull a cute little black dress over her head and fitted it to her body. It was one of those short sleeved dresses that were tight fitted at the top, and flowed from the waist going to knee length. "... I need to ask you something Meg."

"Yeah sure, what's up?" The nerves in Heather were as clear as the daylight, but she couldn't tell whether it was in a good way or a bad way.

"I .. uhm ... I'm meeting up with Jeremy again tonight, I think he likes me... uhm I don't know, we've only met and all and I can't tell whether it's a good thing or a bad thing" she exhaled a short breath before continuing "do you think it's a bad thing for me to be hanging out with him? Considering we're only here for a short time and you guys live half way across the country, and he's your friend... would that be awkward?" Her mind was running a thousand miles per hour, that was one of Heathers flaws, always over analyzing anything and everything before doing it.

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