Chapter 14 - The jellyfish

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"I can't believe you've actually convinced me to get on this death trap of yours" Megan exclaimed as she sat between Ryan's legs on the surfboard. Both their legs dangling in the water on each side.

"Come on it's going to be fun" amusement clear as day in his voice.
"Is this even legal, for the two of us to be on this board?" Megan was frantic and she didn't even make any effort to hide it.
"Yes it's legal" he said as he puddled with his hands directing the board further into the water.

"And the instructor is okay with it? " she looked back into the distance to where Kayla and a group of others were practicing with the surf instructor on individual surf boards. This felt dangerous and wrong but yet it felt so exhilarating. Argh she felt herself groan in frustration at her inner turmoil.

"Well he's always too busy with the lessons to pay attention to the people that actually know how to surf. So it's fine." He chuckled a bit finding humor in her scrutinizing everything.

"Besides, this is a technique we use to teach beginners sometimes" major keyword there was 'sometimes' because he knew for a fact it was better to let a first timer learn on a separate board, but he felt confident that he could do it on the same board as him. Regardless of the protocols, it was safe and the last thing he would ever want to do was put her in harms way intentionally. He felt like he could control the situation better that way, he had years of practice in this very technique to say the least.

"Ryan, I'm a little scared" the fear in her eyes displayed on her face staring at the vast endless water in front of her shaking her head.

"I'm here baby, do you trust me?" He leaned closer to her to try and give her comfort, leaning his chest against her back.
"Of course I trust you, it's the death trap I'm worried about!" She said patting the board between her legs "please don't kill us" she whispered to it, earning another laugh from Ryan as he threw his head back.

"Then trust me ok" he said as he kissed her bare shoulder right next to the strap of her bathing suit. "You have to follow my lead, first puddle with your hands like I'm doing"
"Ok" she began to puddle with her hands moving further into the mass of water, the coolness brushing against her fingertips.

"When we get closer to the wave you have to get on top of the board in a squatting position and try to balance, I'll tell you when" his voice was so calm in contrast to the raging turmoil she was feeling inside.
"Okay" she squealed but decided to do as he said.

They paddled for a few more seconds getting closer to the take-off spot.
"Get on top now, you have to hold the sides of the board" she did as he said popping up to her feet carefully balancing on the board with both her hands holding on tightly on the sides.
After she was stable, he did the same behind her making sure to hold their balance.
"Now put your one foot forward and balance like you do on the snowboard " he watched her do as he said "now hold my hand"
"What?" she exclaimed as the subtle waves hit the board that held them so delicately above the water.

"Take my hand..." he looked down, meeting her eyes "...And trust me." she felt all her anxiety, worry and uneasiness lift a little as she let go of the hold she had on the board. One hand reaching out to him and the other hanging in the air clenching near her knee. The minute his hand interlocked with hers, feeling relief and stable within herself and the board. They hit the wave, riding it out on the stable board, him like a pro and her legs shaking underneath her like they were made of jello.

The sun kissed the smooth skin on her face, the wind carrying her ponytail in waves. It was such a sight to see and he was reveling every second of it.

"Wow! That was insane" she said as the wave calmed below them and they had settled back down on the board.
"Told you so" he chuckled lightly
"I was too nervous I thought I was gonna pass out for a second"
"Well next time you won't be so nervous"

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