Chapter 12 - The debris

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"It's literally going to take the whole day to clean up the beach so there goes my surfing lessons" exclaimed Kayla as they strolled down to the beach dragging her feet.

"Seriously, it was bad enough they canceled it yesterday cause of the storm? And now this" she waved her arms dramatically around gesturing to everything that was going on at the beach.

Assorted garbage had washed up the shore and the seaweed was everywhere making the once beautiful beach look dreadful in the morning light.
Megan understood her frustration, Kayla wanted to perfect her surfing skills as much as she could during camp. So every session counted. She placed her sunglasses over her forehead to look at her but came out short of anything tangible to make her feel better.

"Well blame Mother Nature and her little minions" she found her voice shrugging at the thought, she didn't really care about the program as much as her friend. And no one could possibly go against the natural occurrences when it came to the world, so she felt she had nothing to offer.

"If she had a face I'd gladly punch it right now" Kayla gave out a sigh in defeat.
"Look on the bright side, we could finally get to sunbathe together for the first time, let's just enjoy the moment while it lasts" Megan laughed but tried to point out the positive side of things.

"We can't even sunbathe in this filth, and as much as I would have loved to just lazy around with you right now, I feel obliged to help..." she lifted her water bottle and took a sip of it  "... besides, the quicker this place gets clean, the sooner everything goes back to normal," she finished screwing back the cap of her water bottle. That was one thing about Kayla, she loved to get involved in everything that was happening, getting her hands dirty seemed to be her favorite thing to do especially if it was for a good cause.

"Are you going to help with the clean up? I swear if I see a seal caught up in any of this garbage I'm going to lose my shit" Kayla exclaimed wearing her heart on her sleeves. She was such a sucker for life, and more so the aquatic animals.
"Of course I'm going to help you, it's not like I have anything else better to do" Megan calmed her friend knowing she needed her support in this.

Her mornings were pretty much empty, and she had been thinking about joining a different program to not waste her mornings away. The morning programs were abit limited to her liking, but she hoped she would find something that peaked her interest. She had considered the morning Yoga though.

"Ok great, I'm going to find the surf instructor and see if we can manage to rally up a bunch of people to come help with the clean up so we can finish faster, the earlier the better" She was such a natural at organizing and getting things done, that was one admirable trait about her.

Half an hour later a bunch of the other campers had gathered up by the beach with the help of the counselors and Kayla handed out the trash bags and gloves they had provided.

"I think it will be quicker if we work in pairs" Kayla barked out the orders and people started pairing up and heading out in different directions.
Jeremy and Megan exchanged an eloquent look knowing Kayla was definitely in her element ordering people around. She loved to boss people around, it was her specialty.

"Then I'm going to go with you my love" Greg jogged up to her and she handed him the necessities.

"It's literally too early for this Greg" he earned himself an eye roll from her and she brushed him off turning to pass the bags to Jeremy and Heather.

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