Chapter 18 - The fiery eyes

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He was more determined than ever to make things right with Megan that day. He had spent the better part of his day figuring out how he was going to approach her again, what he was going to say , all the words he thought imaginable seemed so vague.

If he could be one word would be 'sorry'.

He didn't want her to hate him for being absent for the past couple of days especially right after her injury. He couldn't help it, when his mind drew him to that familiar dark realm it was nearly impossible to focus on the things that actually mattered. As the clock ticked from cheater like seconds, to sloth like minutes, almost taking its last breath in the final turtle like hours it dwelled on him that he couldn't spend the whole day procrastinating, he made it his mission to find her and overcome his fears but the little falter in his plans didn't include her beating him to it.

The banging noise on his door was solid and loud as it came rumbling against the frames holding it in place. When was the last time they even maintained this camp? Cause no solid frame should ramble like that, but that was besides the point!

He couldn't help but assume it was Danica again, internally cussing her out for disturbing his peace yet again in one single day, that very same morning should have been enough. He had literally just walked out of the shower the banshee herself had coerced him to get. Who even knocks at a persons door like a meniac unless they have a vendetta against them or they were debt collectors.

He swang that door open ready to give her his piece of mind since he couldn't get a word in earlier on in the morning. To his surprise, there she was standing at his door in all her beautiful glory, cloudy dark eyes ogling at his half naked body seeming he had just come out of the shower. She ran her eyes from his surprised face down to his body not missing an inch as her mouth fell open at the sight. He looked drop dead gorgeous in just a pair of his black sweatpants with no shirt on. He was such a sight to see and he knew it. Ryan plastered a smirk in a provocative way whispering with his eyes yet his mouth was silent 'like what you see?'

That awestruck gaze that was crocked on her face raking from his naked torso down to his bare feet lasted a whole but five seconds before it turns into pure rage .

"YOU.!!!" Megan screamed "... you literal jerk-face " drilling one of her index fingers right in between his bare pecs, she immediately regretted it feeling how solid they were against her finger, it definitely wasn't the best decision she's ever made in retaliation to any situation but there was no time to go back.

"Wh - what" he stuttered surprised from her outburst. He knew for a fact she wouldn't be pleased with him but he never expected this fiery doll eyed being to be at his door step screaming at him too. What was with woman and howling at him that day?

"How dare you!" She screamed again, feelings of frustration instantly taking over on her part. All the emotions she had been feeling since that night he had left her confused at her doorstep clouded her mind. She had felt abandoned and alone, seeing him in his physical form just aggravated her more, he was absolutely fine and not incapacitated.

"Babe..." he tried to reach out to her with his hand hoping to bring her into the room to have a civil conversation away from prying eyes in that shallow hallway.

"Don't you even dare call me that" she cut him off smacking his hand away before it could even reach any part of her.

"Megan ..." he tried again placing both his arms firmly to his sides being careful not to overstep the burning invisible boundaries she had just created around herself.

"Nooo! " she screamed at him yet again, " you don't get to 'babe' me or 'Megan' me right now. Where the hell have you been?" She was seething.

"I've been here" he gestured to his room not knowing what else she was looking for. He just wished she would calm down so he could think straight and talk to her like she deserved for those past two days.

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