Chapter 1 - The trip

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She glanced outside the huge window of their rental bus, as it drove past the green sign in white paint that read "Welcome to California". The grass on the side of the road was dark green and the long trees stood their ground on a blazing summer afternoon, its not what she had expected but she knew she'd love spending time in this very unfamiliar state. She noticed the white lines on the road pass by and a smile escaped her perfect pink lips with the thought that this trip was finally happening. The campsite was still a couple of hours away and she couldn't help but think bout how the month was going to turn out. Meeting new people was always in her best interest, but being a small town girl from Leadville Colorado left a lot to be desired.

She had gone through the worst break up ever over a month ago. It sounded so long ago but the memory still lingered in her mind like it happened yesterday because she still thought about it more than she would like to admit, it was a memory she couldn't erase. She always tried hard to hide the hurt that Brandon had caused her and she had been putting up an impressive act because so far, he had the picture that she was hurt but was taking their breakup too well unlike him.

Cheating on her with the famous Victoria Locket really cut her deep, she always thought the times they had spent together had made them strong enough for anything, in her mind, their relationship was worth more than he had given it credit for when he cheated.

She was heartbroken.

" You're doing it again" Kayla echoed in Megan's ears disturbing her distant thoughts.

"Doing what?" She asked as she slowly moved her head from the window to face her blonde haired friend.

" Don't act dumb with me!" Kayla was looking directly at Megan with her clear blue eyes even more crystal clear, they always had their way of doing that when she was serious about something.

Megan run her fingers through her already messy hair and shrugged a little but didn't know what to say in her defense so she stayed silent.

"You are my best friend in the whole world Megan, you and I both know that you can't lie to me" she paused for a moment almost waiting for a response and said " Brandon ain't worth it"

It was never intentional but whenever Megan's thoughts drifted away,they always found their way to Brandon, the memory of her finding him viciously making out with Victoria in class haunted her cause that crushed her. As much as she wanted to forget it, she remembered everything quite clear and it made her want to hurl.

She turned her head to the back of the bus and saw Brandon on the back seat next to Victoria who was busy explaining something to him and he nodded but from the looks of it, he hadn't heard a word she said, Megan knew that look too well to mistaken his lack of interest, then she kissed him on the cheek but way too close to his perfect lips. He averted his eyes from Victoria and looked in Megan's direction just in time to catch her staring at them and their eyes locked for a swift moment. He looked at her with those dark chocolate eyes that she had once fallen for, but she didn't want to be the pathetic ex-girlfriend who can't get over the irresistible Brandon. She really hated the times that she had spent obsessing over him, so she rolled her eyes at him to show him she didn't care.

Brandon never made Victoria his official girlfriend after his breakup with Megan but he made banging her his thing and everyone in school new about it, how pathetic, Megan thought.

"He really ain't" Meg finally found her words after she got the courage to produce them. She looked at Kayla and said "I'll take this trip as an opportunity to completely forget about him" she gave a weak but truthful smile to her statement.

"That's more like it" Kayla gave a full on grin to that and said "Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna shorten this LONG trip and sleep through the remaining hours" she made sure to make an emphasis on 'long' cause she really hated how long they've been on the road for, and they still had some hours to go.

Sleeping seemed like such a good idea but Megan didn't want to miss out any detail on California so she just turned and pressed the side of her head against the plastic window her eyes fixed on the scenery. It was quite beautiful she had to admit, but the trip was taking forever.

"Megan wake up!!" Kayla screamed.

"What?! What?!" Megan woke up to her best friends vigorous shake. Kayla could be a bit annoying sometimes when she was too excited.

"We are here!" Kayla screamed one more time before jumping off her seat. Megan rubbed her sleepy eyes to the artistic sign of the camp welcoming them. The sign was in a form of a mural with the ocean view and a waterfall on the side and the clearly large words of the camps name.

She had no idea how she had slept cause she tried not to miss details of the state, but the leather bus chair had magically turned comfy and she drifted away to sleep.

The bus was filled with all her classmates that she had spent the last couple of years in school with. The excitement in the air visible as some were whistling and cheering. This was definitely it.

"Rise and shine sleepy head" said Jeremy as his head popped up from the seat behind Megan's.

"I'm up!" Megan said still in her sleepy state.

"Come on Meg, we've talked about this trip for months at least pretend to be excited!" Jeremy said as he rose from his seat and stood on the isle of the bus right next to Kayla's now empty seat.

"I am excited, let me just shake off the sleep mode," she gave her last yawn and rose from her seat as she stretched herself before she lost balance and fell right back onto her seat. " Much better, that actually felt good" she gave Jeremy a grin.

"That's my girl" he gave a small laugh.

Jeremy was Megan and Kayla's best guy friend and they had known each other since forever. They weren't the most popular kids in school but they were known by a pretty large number of people. Mostly cause of Jeremy's charms on the ladies and they all thought he was quite the catch, he was tall with dark long curly hair and smoky hazel eyes which made him irresistible, his spot on the basketball team was also a bonus. Meg and Kayla were mostly involved in organising school functions like dances and all so they were quite well known too .

"Let the parties begin!" Jeremy exclaimed in his deep husky voice and everyone who was still left in the bus cheered.

Kayla dropped herself back on her seat and looked at Megan "you ready for this?"

Megan put on her thinky face almost as if she was giving it a thought then said "I was born ready!" They both chuckled for a bit and looked around as the bus was nearly empty, seemed like everyone was too impatient for this.

The parking lot was not yet full regarding that it was a joint camp and five different schools from other states were attending, only two large buses were in sight meaning at least one or two schools had beaten them there.

Everyone was out of the bus in less than five minutes since it parked and headed down to the beach. Colorado was a landlocked state not giving them access to the ocean so the whole school was pretty much excited about the whole experience.

Megan and kayla wanted to settle down first in their rooms before they actually went down to the beach where everyone else was.


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