Chapter 27 - The feels

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"As stated at the camps assembly this morning, there will indeed be a grand finale to showcase what we've been working on at the end of summer." counselor Devon made the announcement at the afternoon music program. There had been rumors about the big final showcase since the beginning of summer camp since it was something they did every year. Now was a better time than ever to have the first official announcement and get everyone ready.

"Before you think it's far away, it really isn't. Only over a week and some days before our doors close for the end of summer so we need to start getting this show on the road." This wasn't news that summer camp was only going to last a month but it still was a reality check that tugged at Megan's inside.

Counselor Devon kept blabbing on about the final showcase and how extravagant it's been in the past years, and he was expecting the music program to show everyone what they were made of. From the words he muttered it seemed like he had a little bit of a feud with the archery program for always stealing the show but Megan couldn't quite read too much into it because she wasn't paying attention. His words were fading away as she took in his some of the words.

He proceeded to give a little motivation speech to lessen everyone's nerves, making sure they knew that even if they didn't rock the stage like he expected, this group will live on at clear sand camp or whatever. He was determined to make them shine to the best of their capabilities.

A week and a few days!

A week and 5 days to be precise is all they had at that place where Megan found someone worth sharing herself with again. One week and days that were countable on one hand were not enough.

When she looked over to her side where Ryan was sitting next to her she found him already looking at her. The look on his face mirroring hers, his worried eyebrows furrowed crinkling above the bridge of his nose, guess he felt it too.

It came as a known fact to them yet a sour reminder that they were living on borrowed time and soon enough they would have to part ways when camp was over. Drawing from his own thoughts, he could read the emotions on her face knowing exactly what wheels were turning in her head.

He hated that downcast look on her face and decided that there was no room for both of them to worry even though Ryan felt the same amount of dread tug at his heart. With that thought in mind he nudged her side brushing his arm against hers, she acknowledged the feeling of his skin against hers, eyes flicking up to his face. He threw her one of his one million dollar smiles he knew was too contagious for her not to smile back. Lo and behold, it worked, oh how he loved that beautiful smile on her face, he'd do anything to see it everyday.

"I'm not going to go about this the traditional way and assign groups for you like it's been for years." They had missed half the announcement by the time they started paying attention again "Instead have some fun, make your own performance duals or groups or whatever. Submit the names to me by the end of the day on Monday. Is that ok with everyone?"

Counselor Devon dismissed the session with his last remarks and everyone gathered their belongings ready to leave. Most were eager to head out and tackle the remainder of the day without a caring to respond to his proposal, but the few that acknowledged him gave a positive response.

It was great that he wasn't going to impose groups on everyone, that would require interaction with other people. As much as Megan liked to socialize and getting to know other people, working on music with someone she didn't know and spending so much time practicing and getting their camp schedules aligned made her nervous. She had only made one other somewhat friend in this program apart from Ryan.

That guy who was always playing guitar by the beach whenever she hang out with her friends. Truth be told she wouldn't mind being paired up with him because he was a familiar face and sounded like a musical genius but they weren't entirely friends or anything. Conversations between them never went past the regular 'what's up' he'd throw at her which she never had a good response to anyways. Does anyone even know the correct way of responding to that?

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