Chapter 7 - The hopeless wanderer

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Walking out of the music room had her feeling refreshed and a whole lot better than she felt in the morning. They had mostly focused on piano which she hadn't played in ages and felt a bit rusty but counselor Devon was patient with everyone and she managed to overcome her nerves in front of the other people in the room.

Ryan was there stealing a few glances at her every now and then. Every time their eyes met they would smile at each other and swiftly continue whatever it is they were doing before.

He didn't play the piano so he was horrible when it was his turn till he had decided to sit this one out. He still didn't carry an instrument which she found odd but she was happy he was there nonetheless.

She still wanted to practice her guitar so she had planned to walk the trail to where she went the previous day. She had only walked for about a minute when she heard Ryan calling out for her which made her turn. He was sprinting in full speed to catch up with her.

"Hey" he said with his infamous side smirk after managing to catch up to her.

"Hey yourself" she smiled back at him looking up to meet his gaze that was now on her.

"Where are you heading?" His smile never wavered from his perfect lips.

"I'm just going for a walk, maybe I can practice my guitar again" she took a step back and faced the direction of the trail.

"Can I come with you?" He tried to say not to sound as eager as he was feeling inside.

"Yeah sure thing if you don't have anything better to do" she started walking away.

"Trust me I would rather be with you right now than do anything else" his confession shocking both of them a bit. It kinda made her blush how forward he was with his words and she was happy he wasn't facing her to see her flushed cheeks.

His arm brushed the side of her arm as he walked beside her and reached for her guitar case in her hand.

"Can I help you with that?" She stopped and handed it to him without even second guessing.

"Sure, thank you"

By the time they reached the spot from the day before the weather was cooling down and the sound of the waves was soothing. They sat down and just stared at the ocean for a bit until Ryan broke the silence.

"You always seem to be all up in your head" this took Megan by surprise because she didn't expect him to notice something like that about her. It was true, only Kayla and Jeremy had pointed it out over the previous months so there was no point in wondering if what he noticed was true.

She had a lot on her mind lately and had the tendency of zoning out. But in this moment there was nothing bothering her. Mind at ease as she listened to the smooth sound of the waves, watching the way the sun rays bounce on the water in the distance and feeling the warm breeze careless her skin as it carried that fresh cool and minty fragrance from Ryan.

"Tell me what's going on in that pretty little head of yours Megan" he turned to look at her. She was still looking out to the ocean, her eyes dancing from the rays of the sun. Her skin radiant and glowing. He noticed the tiny little freckles on her nose adding to her unbelievable beauty. He was always taken back by how beautiful she always looked and effortlessly so. In that moment she turned to face him for a brief second and that gesture made him smile.

"Well right now I'm just thinking how beautiful it is out here. It's so calming" Megan finally responded.

"Is that why you like coming out here?" He asked out of curiosity.

"Yeah I like that, plus I can just get away from the world and feel like myself"

"Are you running from something?" He raised his eyebrow at her and his question made her look at him, his eyes searching hers. Was she running from something? She didn't think so. If anything she had to run away from her own mind which was her biggest enemy when it came to overthinking. But she felt free here, and looking at him right now being there with her even made it a whole lot better.

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