Chapter 2 - The roomate

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"Gosh I cant believe we're not sharing a room" Megan complained with a pouty face as they made their way through her allocated room.

"Hi, I'm Heather" said the raven haired girl they found unpacking in the room.

The room was nice, quite smaller than she was used to but she wasn't really in a position to complain. There were two beds on each sides of the wall and a sizable wardrobe on each side and a table by the window and two chairs. The walls were painted blue with white curtains covering the big oak windows and a black and white patterned ceramic floor.

"Hey I'm Megan, and this is my best friend Kayla" she said and pointed at Kayla as they walked further into the room .

"Nice meeting you guys". She seemed friendly enough "so I'm guessing one of you is my roommate?" She asked with a slight uncertainty in her voice which wasn't hard to notice.

"Megan is" Kayla said lifting the confusion and turned to look at her best friend. "I should get to my room too, I'll be back sometime later."

"That's next door yeah?" Meg asked just to be sure.

"Yap, I just wanna settle in a bit and freshen up before the party"

"Wait! what party?" This came as a surprise to Megan, they had just got there, how could she have already known about a party? party freak!

"The one Greg told me about, it's a welcome party people have planned outside the camp, and you are definitely coming with."

"Most def"

Though kayla was the party freak in their friendship, Megan still loved to party too, just not as much as her friend.

"Way to start the vacation." Kayla winked as she opened the door and closed it behind her after walking out.

Greg was an English guy from their school, he always said he "fancies" Kayla since he moved to Leadville a few years back but they have never really gotten together, and honestly speaking they wouldn't at least not for the foreseeable future. Not that he wasn't easy on the eyes or anything cause he was a drop dead gorgeous Brit.

"Correction! Camp, not vacation remember that" Kayla just rolled her eyes in defiance and exited the room. Clearly she was taking this trip as her own private vacation away from her family and an army of siblings.

Megan drew her eyes away from the door and faced the tall smoky eyed beauty who she was going to be sharing a room with for the next month.

"Soooo, which school did u graduate from?" She asked Heather to break the developing awkward silence between them. She sat down on her unmade bed watching her roommate pack away her stuff in the wardrobe.

"Richmond high in Boston, how about you?" She turned to face her too.

"Leadville high, Colorado " her lips formed a small smile at the mention of her home town. It didn't offer a lot, but she was proud to call it home.

"Wow, small town, I have an aunt in Denver so I have been there before just a days visit" she sat down on her already perfectly made bed with pink sheets and blue covers.

"That's cool, I have never really been out of Colorado before, this is my first time" Megan felt her cheeks heat up to her confession.

"Shut up! No way" Heather's expression was priceless, which made Megan laugh to the disbelief that it held.

"As embarrassing as that sounds, it is true"

"Then you should take full on advantage of this trip" she gave her a knowing grin cause everyone knew the camp was just an excuse to make parents make themselves feel better about sending their child away to a summer full of wild parties and fun.

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