Chapter 16 -The runner

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"If I could marry this bagel, I would in an instant" Kayla groaned as she chewed her last bite.

"You said the same about the last two" Megan rolled her eyes at her, yet loving how they had finally had time to sit down for their meal after Kaylas surfing lessons were done.

"Well do you want me to lie to you? I would marry them all!"

"Sure have a polygamous relationship with all your 3 bagels" Megan laughed as she ate her own bagel. It was delicious but not enough for her to think of long term ties with it. It was literally gonna go in and out and she was fine with that.

They were having a late breakfast in the camps cafeteria after Kaylas morning programs were completed. She was disappointed she didn't see Ryan at the beach that morning just like the previous day but guessed from all the unanswered text messages to him, he was definitely avoiding her. She didn't quite understand why, a girl could take the hint, but she wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt regardless. His silence made her sad but she hoped he was ok and didn't feel indifferent towards her considering how things had transpired two nights ago.

"Shit, shit, shit we need to go!" Kaylas wide blue eyes shot up looking into the distance past Megan, breaking her out of her thoughts.

"What... what ?" Megan tried to look behind her to see what Kayla was freaking out about but was abruptly yanked by the arm from her seat by her friend.

"We need to go now!" Kayla deadpanned as she dragged Megan out of the cafeteria in time to notice Greg who had just walked in through the main entrance.

They dashed their way out of the cafeteria through the back entrance with Kayla hell bent on her sweet escape and Megan trying to catch up to her insane and inhumane speed.

"Can you please slow down, not all of us are athletes here" Megan panted as she sprinted across the pathway tugging her arm away from Kayla who wasn't even ready to let go. They bolted to the hostels which weren't too far from the cafeteria and went straight to Kaylas room breathless from the impromptu mini marathon.

"Ok what the fuck was that?" Megan questioned as she felt like her heart was ready to jump out of her chest breathing rapidly to catch her breath.

Kayla threw herself on the bed in a frantic motion spraying her body across it like a deflated balloon doll. "I'm avoiding Greg"

"No shit Sherlock, you kinda always do, but this is different and you've been acting weird, why are you hiding from him" She had noticed how strange Kayla had been acting towards Greg the morning of the clean up and she had been meaning to ask, but nothing would have prepared her for what actually happened.

"It's nothing I can't handle " Kayla retorted fidgeting with her stress ball.

"Since when do you hide things from me?" Megan yanked the freaking ball that always drove her crazy from her hands.

"I had sex with him OKAY!" Kayla buried her face further into the pillow hiding her heated face that had turned redder than a traffic light.

"You did what?" Megan's jaw dropped at the confession walking further into the room while her breathing regulated. *note to self: sign up for more physical exercise programs* she mentally acknowledged how unfit she was after losing her breathe from the short run.

"Don't judge me!" her voice came up muffled into the pillow.

"Okay I'm not judging you, just abit surprised, there's nothing bad about it. Unless, wait was the sex that bad?" Megan sat down on the bed next to Kayla.

"No! Oh nooo no no it wasn't bad at all, it was freaking incredible" she kept her face buried in the pillow a little longer either in shame or she was reminiscing the way his tongue felt on her most intimate parts. She groaned at the memory.

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