Chapter 11 - The raindrops

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Chapter 11

The surfing program had been canceled that morning due to the crazy weather. It had been raining all morning which wasn't ideal for any beach activities. Megan hated the summer rains, it just felt like a cooling pause before the heat would overtake the bearable temperature again with a bigger vengeance.

"I would have literally been killing it on the waves right now" Kayla complained as she propped herself on Megan's bed in her tiny room she shared with her roommate.

"Says the girl who was ready to quit just yesterday" Megan laughed at her friend remembering how defeated she was at her last surfing lessons.

"I feel like today would have been the day, I can feel it in my bones" Kayla ignored her friends snarky remark as she pulled the pillow from under her making her head fall on the stiff bed, claiming it as her own.

"Hey I was using that" Megan protested as Kayla tucked the pillow under her head fluffing it for comfort.

Heather had gone back to sleep after realizing the morning was ruined by the weather, and the girls decided to just stay in and wait the rain out. For the first time in a few days, things at the camp seemed to be moving at a low pace.

"I know for sure you would have been there by the beach waiting for me ... or him" she smirked at her friend trying to initiate a conversation about Ryan.

After she had ditched Kayla for that emotional train wreck that she wasn't ready for the previous night, she hadn't really gotten a chance to talk to her about it. She had just texted her the previous night to let her know that she was with Ryan and she was going to head to her room for the night.

In reality she stayed out by the beach longer than she expected because before they knew it, they were too far from the camp site that it took them even longer to get back. She wasn't even complaining about that, every minute she spent with him made her more comfortable with him, and every kiss they shared made her soul feel ignited again.

Megan smiled remembering how he had given her a piggy back ride halfway back because she was feeling exhausted. He was so sweet and he had a way of calming her, bringing her out of her overthinking fog she was so clustered in.

"As much as I would have loved to watch him surf like a pro and you fail miserably, Mother Nature had other plans" she chuckled thinking about how she had promised him she would be there that morning, man makes plans and God laughs. It would be hilarious if she went out to the beach and found him waiting in the rain like all those sappy romantic movies they had talked about the previous night. Was he even romantic? She wondered. There was so much she was yet to learn about him but she felt excited at the thought.

"You should really try it, the thrill is exhilarating and I bet it would be a fun couples thing to do since he's already into it" Kayla shifted into the bed to lay on her back facing the plain white ceiling that only had that single bulb and fan dangling in the center.

"Well we aren't really a couple, and I'm terrified of surfing so that's a lose lose situation " she honestly wasn't sure where their relationship stood, he had told her he liked her but she wasn't sure what else. He had insinuated with all his romance story references about them being together but she wasn't sure what it meant. Why were boys so complicated? She felt flustered.

"Suuureee ...." Kayla dragged out her words. "You have to stop sticking to your comfort zone and get out there more" she just earned an eye roll from her friend. Not this again! Megan thought.

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