This book follows the life of A-Lora Hale, born on planet Sidara. Due to unfortunate circumstances back on her home planet, she finds herself living in Seabrook while posing as an exchange student. While in Seabrook, A-Lora finds unlikely friends, faces ridicule from peers, and is threatened by her past, all while trying to stay afloat on a new planet.
This story will begin before the first Zombies move to introduce A-Lora as a character, and it will continue all the way to Zombie's three.
I would like to clarify that the Zombies trilogy does not belong to me. All rights belong to Disney. I only own my OC and her storyline.
Also, I'm new at being an author, if something doesn't flow or make sense please let me know and I will try to fix it as soon as possible. Since I'm new to all this my writing may be bad at first but as the story progress and I become more comfortable, it should get better.
Also I am constantly going back and changing things in the story. If you reread and it's completely different or there's slight changes that's why.
Life Goes On | Wyatt Lykensen
FanfictionA-Lora Hale. An anxiety ridden teenage Alien from Planet Sidara. Due to complications on her home planet, she finds herself on planet earth in the small town Seabrook. What awaits for her in this small town as she finds herself struggling to stay af...