*the photo above is of Noah & Emma*
•Emma Hayden•POV•
What Noah taught me yesterday really opened up my eyes. A lot. It made me realise just how weak I am and how Noah tired me out very quickly.
I loved the fact that he wants to help me and protect me, because that's exactly what I need and want. But I don't always want to be the weak one. Every other girl I see are confident, strong. Independent and most importantly are treated like woman.
I, however I am see as a little girl who can't take care of her self. How can I make Noah see me as a woman? And not in a the dirty way your thinking.
*couple of hours ago*
On the ride home, Noah was a lot more talkative, and I was mute. It was like we had been switched. He held the top of my thigh tightly with his hand and lightly rubbed it with his thumb, that usually calms me. But not now.
He was silent up, just listening to the radio and lightly bobbing his head before he spoke again.
"Stop it." He told me never taking his eyes off the road. Without even looking my way he knew something was wrong. That's why I lov- that's why I like him.
"Stop what?" I asked. I cocked my head to the side curiously, gazing at the side of his head.
"Stop what ever your worrying about. Just stop it."
"How do you even know I'm worrying about something? Your driving." I pointed out looking away from him to watched the bare branches cutting open the bright day of the blue sky.
"You think that's going to stop me from knowing what's going on inside your head. I don't need to be looking at you to know your mood. All I need to be is in the same room as you. Plus your skin is stone cold which always means your anxious."
I was speechless. Utterly speechless. How did I get that lucky to have someone like Noah in my life.
"H-how." I stuttered out.
"Your my girl. I know everything about you. Your my girl." He said looking at me for the first time. His eyes were this perfect chocolate brown that you could melt into. "Your my girl." He said again looking at me.
"Okay... I'm really sick of feeling like this." I whispered. I wasn't even sure if he heard me.
"Feeling like what?" He asked. I guess he heard.
"I." I paused, I tried to gather my thoughts but it was impossible. "I'm different okay? I'm not like other girls, and I'm sick of it." I stuttered it out.
"What do you mean? Your different. So what?" He asked. He continued to rub my leg comfortingly.
"I see all of the other girls, and they're beautiful. I-I'm, I'm just not and they are considered like woman and are seen like that. They are strong and confident and beautiful. They, they do things that make guys happy... And I'm just me." He didn't respond. He wordlessly took his hand off my leg and started to pull over. He parked the car and soundlessly got out of the car. He gently closed the door behind him and walked around for a bit in the grass. I considered staying in the car, but something told me not to, and that I should follow him.
I stepped out of the car and walked around the front and stared at the retreating back.
"Noah?" I questioned. No answer.
"Noah please talk to me." I begged.
"What's going on Em?"
"W-wha" I began but he cut me off again .
"What's going on Em? Because I think your beautiful. I think your absolutely perfect. You are strong and confident okay? I love everything about you. Your bloody gorgeous compared to all of those other dumb bitches. What's this about? Sex? Is that it? They can please men and you can't, is that what that was about?"
"Because if that is what it's about, I couldn't care less. I would wait years if that's what you wanted me to do. Why are you always, always doubting my feelings for you. Can't you tell that I think your perfect?" A single tear fell on cheek. He walked up to me and wiped my cheek.
"I'm sorry." I smiled cautiously. His lips gracefully brushed against mine before he leaned in further and kissed me hard. His arms instinctively wrapped around my waist and picked me up off the floor. Mine around his neck.
When he pulled me back he looking into my eyes and paused. "Are you okay now?" He asked, nodding I smiled nervously hoping I didn't annoy him to much.
We continued our ride home and he never let go of my hand. Ed Sheeran was blasting out as usual, this time it was Thinking Out Loud.
"So honey, now, take me into your loving arms,
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars,
Place your head on my beating heart, I'm thinking out loud." Noah's voice perfectly blended into the rhythm of the song and sounded amazing.I smiled at him. Again think how did I get that lucky?
*back to the present*
Noah dropped me off back at my house quickly and we spoke our goodbyes. I walked back into my house and heard crying. What is going on. I walked into the kitchen and found my mother desperately crying into my fathers shoulder.
"What's going on?" I questioned panicky. Did someone die? Die Mom have cancer? Have we been burgled?
"Honey. We have some news." My father answered.
"What? What is it?!" I don't think I can handle this anymore. Never urging else that could possibly go wrong goes wrong for me.
"Baby! Your father got a promotion!" She jumped up and down excitedly.
"W-what? Why are your crying?" I asked confused as hell.
"Because, okay don't tell Jacob or Olive this but, I wasn't sure how we were going to handle four kids with our salaries. I honestly thought we would have to move some where cheaper. And now, no your father got that promotion he hoped and everything is okay again. I crying because I have been worried sick for the past month." She admitted. This big news shocked me. This is what my mother and father have always wanted.
"W-What really? How did I not know?" She shook her head dismissively.
"It doesn't matter now! Everything is fine, and everything is going great. We're fine. Jacob, olive and summer are fine. And your fine. Everything's fine." She pulled me into a tight hug as her words replayed in my head.
"How much?" I questioned curiously.
"How much? Well I was making $131,990, and now... I make $220,482 a year. Everything, and I mean everything is going to be just fine." My eyes widen in shock of what my father was telling me.
My mother and fathers words ran around my head, over and over and over again.
'I'm fine' considering what I just spent this whole afternoon doing, I am defiantly, not fine.I wonder what would happen if my parents knew about Bert, about what he did to me...
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*AUTHORS NOTE:
So I updated! Hope you guys like this chapter sorry it's kind of slow and stuff.
We finally got to see what Noah thinks of Emma. And a bit of what Emma thinks of Noah. Considering this is part 26 and the fact I still have a lot more of story to get through.... I should probably have about 40 chapters.
I am trying my best to update as often as I can.
Thank you for reading xxx

Opposites Attract
Novela JuvenilPretty and shy, Emma Hayden, has a secret. One she intends to keep, but when she meets tough but totally hot Noah Blair, will it make her change her mind? BACKSTORY: When Noah Blair moves to Pittsburg in California, his life takes a quick U-Turn f...