The pieces..

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Redrew y/n and bendy in my style! :0
I was surrounded in darkness the only thing visible was myself. I walked around a bit trying to find something.


I then notice something bright up ahead. As I run towards it the light seems to be getting brighter. As I let my eyes adjust in brightness I was finally able to see the thing in front of me. It was a floating piece that looks like a part of a machine. As I reach my hand out to it was was quickly interrupted by a sound.


I turn to were that sound came from. Only to see nothing. I shrug it off as I turn back to touch the glowing piece.


I jumped, the noise was getting louder. Before I could say anything I feel my body being pulled. I struggled against whatever was pulling me as I reach my hand out to the bright piece. I reach out almost asking the thing to somehow save me.

But before I knew it brightness overcame my vision.

Normal pov-

I gasp for air as I sit up coughing my lungs out.

"Y/N!" Someone screams as I feel them embrace me.

"H-huh?" I say a bit confused on what's going on.

"W-what happened?" I ask as I look up to see the  worried faces of the crew.

I then look down to see bendy hugging onto me like I was to disappear in any second. My face heats up a bit before I look up at my brother for answers.

"W-we don't know.." he says with his voice shaking a little.

"Whatever was in that freaky mermaid, decided to move into you" cuphead said with a somewhat confused voice.

"W-what? What do you mean?" I ask confused

"There was this glowing piece inside the mermaids head that I used to help us get out" Mugman says as he mentions the mermaid behind him

"But that thing started to glow and it flew into your body" Boris says with a worried tone.

"It all happened to fast, we didn't know if you were going to change into whatever that mermaid did." Felix says as he puts a hand on my shoulder.

I look down at my chest to see a tattoo of the so called piece. I touch it in hopes it was some kind of joke and it was just marker or something.

Only for it not to come off...

"You've got to be kidding me!" I yell in annoyance as I throw my head back.

"it hasn't affect your body in any way, has it?" Felix asks as he check out if there was any alternations to your body.

I let out sigh.

"No! I don't feel any different now get off of me" I say with a sigh as I push him off me

"Y-You didn't happen to have a..w-weird dream d-did you?" The mermaid ask nervously

I think about the dream I was having before bendy had woken me up.

"Yeah actually now that you've mentioned it I did have some sort of dream." I say unsure

"You didn't happen to see the floating piece right?" She asks in urgency.

"Why?" I ask confused

"Did you touch the piece." She says with a serious face

"I was going to but before I could lay a single finger on it I was pulled back by bendy's voice and then woke up" I say with a small shrug

She lets out a sigh of relief

"That good the piece was trying to take control of your body, if you were to of touched that piece it would've been to late for you" she says with a worried tone.

I then feel a someone hit me on the back of the head

"Ow! Hey what was that for!" I yelled as I rub the back of my head

"You big dummy what would've happen if you touched that dumb piece" me brother screamed at me.

"I'm sorry okay! it was pulling me in with its glow and stuff" I say with a whine.

"We're just glad you're okay" bendy says as he hides his face in my neck.

I rub his back as to comfort him. Blushing a bit since I could feel him breathing on my neck.

"Alright so where to next?" I ask as I get up and dust myself off after nudging bendy off softly.

"Well after we drop off Maria we'll start heading towards here" Boris says as he point somewhere in the map.

"Maria?" I say out of confusion

"That would be me" the mermaid says and she raises her hand a bit.

"Omg I'm so sorry we didn't even introduce ourselves." I say is a sorry tone

"Oh no it's quite alright everyone has already introduced themselves I just forgot to introduce myself to you." She says in a sorry tone and she brushes off my apology.

"It's quite alright, after all I did just wake up with a tattoo on my chest" I say in a comforting tone.

"Not like it looks bad on you~" cuphead say in a flirty tone as he looks down at my chest.

"Pft- eyes are up here bud" I say with a grin as I pull his chin up so I can look into his eyes

He blushes at this but laughs with me. I then feel someone grab onto my hips.

"To be fair you look good in anything tho~" bendy also says with a flirty tone.

"Okay guys calm down." Felix says annoyed as he pulls me away from them.

"Awe come on~ we were just getting started to~" cuphead and bendy say with a grin.


We all start laughing at our silliness.

What we didn't see was mugman and Maria getting along quite well with each other.

A/N- hi guys sorry for the long wait I swear I'm bout to be the next CoryXkenshien but just wanted to let y'all know I'm still going to continue this book even if the original series stopped cause I feel like y'all deserve it, anyways bout to go on my year break again-dueiwkw nah I'm playin y'all, I'll try updating as much as I can ^^.

Words- 1054

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