Poor cuphead..

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While I was walking toward Bendy and Boris I noticed that bendy was blushing and avoiding eye contact with me . I wonder why?

Before I could ask someone slammed open the door. It was cuphead (you found out his name after you asked bendy and boris UwU)

"M-mister? is your brother okay?" I heard Boris ask

"Borisss!noooo! We need to get out of here!"I hear bendy whisper yell at Boris

cuphead then shot at us and we ran out of the shop as fast as we could

"There's no need to hide you guuuys~ I just wanna fucking kill ya that's all! And I going to enjoy it"he yells

"I'll find you! I always do! I'll make sure you never rest, NEVER!" He yells while laughing hysterical

He started to cry while muttering never

"A-alright mugs let's split up a-and you l-look over t-the r-right, n-n..no my right you I..idiot!"he says in his knees while tears roll down his cheeks

"YAY TEAMWORK!"He yells while laughing hysterical

Boris has tears in his eyes while me and bendy looked at cuphead with worry at his health

"I know what you two are thinking but I don't want to put you two in danger and I know what's he's been through, so I'll go talk to him"I sternly told both bendy and Boris giving them a serious look

Bendy and Boris nod but looked at me worried as I started to walk towards cuphead's direction

I see cuphead pointing his finger to his head ready to shoot himself

I quickly tackle him to the floor, barely making him miss his shot

"What the hell do you think your doing!? Are you mad!?" I yell at him angrily

"W-who am I kidding I'm the one that killed him, in the one who needs to die!"he sobs back

I look at him with a shocked face which soon turns into a frown

"You know damn well that it was an accident!"I yell back at him irritated he actually thought killing himself would make his situation better

"My fault or not...an accident or not...why would any of it matter? It's all over! It's either both of us or nothing..."he responds back sadly with tears falling down his face

I pulled him into a tight hug

"Do you really think your bother wants you to die? Would he be happy seeing you like this?" I whispered to him

"I just wish I could've told him that I love him"he sobs onto my shoulder

I let him cry, I hum a soft tune while rubbing soft circles on his back, attempting to calm him down.

He does so and slowly falls asleep in my arms. ' poor thing, looks like he hasn't slept since the accident' I mutter to myself.

"Y-y/n is he alr-"Boris whispers before getting cut off

"Yeah, he's just sleeping, looks like he didn't get much sleep since the accident" I say while looking down at cuphead

"Alright let's find a comfortable safe place so we can leave him there.. and then we'll be on our way!"bendy replies

"Wait, we're leaving him?"me and Boris ask

"Umm, duh! Why? You had another thing in mind?"bendy snaps

"We can't just leave him like this bendy! He might try killing himself again! He saw his own brother die in front of him!" I scolded him

"We won't always be there for him and true he might try to kill himself again, soo...if that's how it's gonna be..."bendy says softly

"Wh-"Boris says

"I'm sorry Boris there's no hope for him.."bendy replies

"He might seem harmless now but who knows when he might snap on us again.."bendy says softly again

"So please don't make it difficult for me...I'm just trying to keep you two safe"he says looking down at cuphead

I finally understood where he was going with this so i just sadly nodded in agreement.

"Let's take him to the hospital, so he can at least rest there"I say putting a small forced smile on my face

Before we left the hospital I gave cuphead a small peck on the head

"Stay safe, I know your brother would want you to live instead of killing yourself because of him, I would know" I softly whisper in his ear I give him a small smile before leaving with bendy and Boris

"I know your right bendy, but its just not fair"Boris mutters sadly


This chapter is a little depressing but I still hope you guys enjoyed I think I'll have to add some other people povs in here but it's kinda hard since everything is crazy

-806 words

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