Waking up in a strange place...

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     I wake up in a strange place. I was next to jackpot when I woke up..

    I looked around and didn't see the others, so I decided to get up and look around for them

'I wonder what happened?' I thought, I slowly start to remember what happened


We looked were the map was pointing to..

It was a metal piece on the ground with the mermaid symbol on it

It started to rise up

And a portal showed up after

I got sucked it first and the others were trying to pull me out

I lost my grip and was pulled in

Guess the other got pulled in after

~end of flashback~

I then heard something

"Who's there? Guys? It me Felix!"

"Felix?...! Is that you?"I yell back

I followed his voice and saw him in the distance

(you were carrying jackpot if you need to know)

I then ran up to him

"Hey Felix! Have you seen the others?" I ask

"No but we should look around for them, they should be the far from here"he replied

"Alright" i agreed "let's dry off first"I say

"Alright I got a blow drier"he replied while taking a blow drier out his magic pouch

"That'll work!" I say smiling

After we get dried off we started looking around and noticed a lot of corpses of the huge spider monsters

"It looks like something been eating them"I whisper to felix

"Let's hope we don't meet what ever it was"he replies

Then one of the huge spiders decides to attack us

We both smirk and easily teamed up on it, taking it down together

When we finally took it down we went through a wall and met up with the others

"Are you all alright" we both asked worryingly

"Y/n, mr.Felix that was-" Boris started

"AMAZING!"Bendy finishing it off fanboying

I then slid down the dead bug and went to check on the others

I then noticed cuphead

"Cuphead! What happened to your eyes"I ran over to him asking worryingly

"It's nothing much just a scratch"he says quickly

"Here let me see what I can do" I say touching his scar with my hand

He blushes but looks away to hide it

"Hold still cup"I turned him face to me so I could patch up his eyes

"That should do"I say smiling gently at him

"T-thanks"he stutters blushing bright red

"Your welcome"I smile

I then walk over to Boris seeing him injured as well and checked his injuries


Words- 433

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