The start of our new adventure

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After that we followed bendy to Betty's place so he can give her the poster she wanted.

I heard my brother say something to bendy

"Anyways the thirst I have right now, is the thirst for adventure"he says over dramatically

I roll my eyes but smile seeing bendy fanboy over my brothers drama queen self

We then went to pick up the other members that are joining us as well

"Hi guys we're ready!"I hear mugman yell

"Who's that with ya?" cuphead asks

'Ah so it's the cup brothers who will be joining us' I think to myself

After my brother introduces himself to them I run up to cuphead tackling him into a hug

"Cuphead!"I yelled giggling

Cuphead blushes but returns the hug

But what we didn't notice was a small demon getting a little jealous over this interaction

"Ah! Is this he girl you've been talking about cups"I see mugman smirk as he wiggle his eyebrows

"Huh?"I give both of them a questioning look

I then see cuphead blush madly and cover mugman a mouth before he could continue

I was curious on what he was about to say but I didn't bother asking

I then see Boris having a chat my brother, I already knew what they were talking about, I felt bad for bendy but if I told my brother. But if I were to tell them about my ink illness they might not let me go adventuring with them anymore...I wouldn't want that, so I decided to stay quiet

I was chatting with the cup brothers until we had to leave

Of course after Felix finds out about bendy's illness he went and gave bendy a pat on the head before we headed off

After we left, me and my brother guided them the way

We stopped for a sec so my brother can get apples for he guys (got to say it's hard being the only girl on this quest 😤👌)

My brother threw 2 apples to the cup bros while I notice some ink fall out of bendy mouth

I gave bendy a worried expression but decided not to intervene

"M-mr Felix can we take a break please"Bendy desperately asks weakly

"Already? Oh! I mean sure thing"my bother quickly complies

I then see bendy run off and Boris follows after him

Why ears just fall flat on my head and look away from the direction they ran from

"So I heard you can shoot lasers out of your finger?" My brother asks cuphead

"Um yeah"cups replies not interested in the conversation

"Can I see!" My brother asks in excitement

"Yeah show him bro!" Mug join in with a smile on his face

"Such a bother"cups say annoyed his finger glowing ready to shoot

I then see him hesitate and put his hand down

"You know what? mine's already pretty awesome, why don't you work on yours mugs?"cups quickly asks

"Oh come on"mug says annoyed on how big his brothers ego is

"I wanna see yours mug"I say trying to help cup out of this situation

"Oh alright" he says while shooting with his hand

I give cuphead a side hug to comfort him while mugman shoots, telling him I know why he didn't want to shoot

My brother felix just stares in amusement

"Amazing!" My brother yells in amusement

"Nice o-one" cups shutters but blushed at the fact that I'm hugging him

I take this the wrong way and hug him a little tighter for comfort

"I'm going to go check on them" I hear my brother say

"Be careful" I say softly looking at him

"Alright I'll be back" and with that he leaves

I was having a chat with the cup brothers until they came back


I hope you enjoyed this chapter the next one might be a little sad just a warning

-650 words

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