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"Wow! That's is one big mermaid!" I whisper yell to the others

"You can say that again, bendy sure doesn't seem to mind the size though" cuphead tells me with a low voice

I then look over at where bendy is and as expected see him leaning on a rock just checking the mermaid out. I again feel my chest tighten up and I held my breath just look at him look at her with loving eyes. I quickly look away not liking the sight.

"Hey you okay?" My brother asks as he wraps an arm around me

"Yeah. Just trying to figure out what we're going to do— OMG JACKPOT!" I yell as I see jackpot walk up to the mermaid

As she was about to reach for me I quickly run up to the small catch and snatch him up. As I do this cuphead through a rock at the mermaids hand

"Gotcha" I sigh out as I look back at the others but it was to late the mermaid has gotten a hold of me

I quickly through jackpot to the closes person that was near me.

I scream in pain as I the mermaid tighten her grip on me

"Y/N!" The group tells as I try to wiggle out of the mermaids tight grip

My brother runs in first stabbing the mermaid on its hands make her lose her grip on me, dropping me

As I fall expecting to feel the impact I feel someone grab me. As I look at my savior my sight get blurry but I try to not give into unconsciousness.

"Y/N! Keep your eyes open!" I hear someone yell as black dots start to fill my vision

"B..bendy?" Was the last thing I was able to whisper before everything went black  as I here the yelling start to get muffled and quieter


Bendy's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

As I look at y/n's unconscious body, I feel rage start to rise up in my body

I give y/n to Boris "please...take care of her" I softly whisper to him as I look at the scene in front of me

Before I could do anything I feel my body go weak

"No please..not now...I want to help " I groan out as I feel ink crawl up my throat

"I can't fuck this up now, everyone is trying to help out, I can't just do nothing, I can't let her hurt Boris or y/" he thought to himself before continuing "I—I have to.." I breath out as I feel my eyesight get darker

End of POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Oh no! Bendy, are you alright?" Boris asks worryingly

As bendy turn around to look at him Boris gasps

"B-B..b...Ben—day!?" He voice shakes out as he tries to sink in the sight before him


Words- 483

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