Just the start

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After I checked Boris's injuries. And gave 'jacks pot' to cuphead.

I finally reached bendy

"You alright bendy?" I asked him as and I looked  him up and down for any injuries

"Look I know I'm hot, but should you really be checking me out now y/n~" bendy says teasingly

"Yeah, yeah okay hot stuff hold still for me will ya"  I walk up to him and bent over to his level giving straight eye contact (damn bendy do be short though)

"Y-y/n w-what are you—" bendy shutters out blushing

But was cut off as I was now fixing his hair

"There~ all better" I say sighed out happily

I then noticed how close our face were and I quickly jumped away as my face was heating up

"T-thanks" his voice cracks out

We all noticed this and this just seemed to embarrass bendy even more

I chuckle I bit before I go and comfort him

After that I went to my brother to figure out what we're doing next

"Soo?" I grin out to him as I slide next to him

He gave me a serious look. Of course I gave him on back knowing

"Y/n, Mr. Felix! the map seems to be pointing over here!" Boris yells out to us

We walk over to where the rest of the gang was and noticed the path was not blocked

"What are we going to do" Boris asked my brother

My brother walks up to the bolder and puts his ear next to one to see if he could hear what was behind it.

"I can hear water fall, there IS something behind this!" He tells us

"Then lets get rid of these rocks, they don't seem to heavy!" Bendy confidently says

"Do kid yourself small fry! There is no way you can-" cuphead starts

But was cut off when he notices bendy pick up a huge rock

I look at them amusing but also..

'Damn bendy that's kinda hot' my face heats up at the thought I just had

"This is gonna take forever though bendy" Boris tells him

'Damn the show's over already?' I sigh at the thought

Shaking my head I focus on what was in front of me

"Then what do you suggest?" Bendy asks Boris

I looked over at the cup brother to see if they had any ideas but bursted our laughing at cuphead's reaction

Cuphead then gave me a playful glare before looking away

"Don't sweat it bendy! We'll destroy this wall in now time! Right cup?"Mugman chirps out

"Ummm" cuphead starts

I then nudge him a little

"You think you'll be okay?" I whisper to him in a concerned voice

"Let's do this bro!" Mugman said and he bumps shoulders with cuphead

"Uh... okay?" He says not to sure with himself

He then looks at his finger with worry

"Cups you ready?" Mugman asks him

"I don't want to okay!! My vision is still blurry!" Cuphead snaps

"Alright jeez.." Mugmans mutters

I just sigh and hold cuphead's hand to comfort him

"Well then, double the power for me! You guys might wanna stand back for this." Mugman tells us

I then pull Cuphead back

"Pay more attention" I whisper to him

"Oh...sorry" he whispers back with a apologizing look

"It's fine" I say giving him a caring look

Not noticing the glare cuphead was getting from two males we decided to pay attention to what was happening in front of us.

After mugman shoots the pathway clear and bendy basically exposing cuphead's love for his brother we all continued through the path

"Finally some sunlight!" Boris chirps

"At least we found an exit, I hope" Felix adds on

I noticed all the eaten spiders and gave them all a sad look

"Poor things" I say sadly petting one of the corpses

My brother quickly puts an arm around me for comfort

"But hey! Maybe whatever did this died a long time ago..that can be a theory" my brother say trying to cheer me up

It worked a little but I gave him a smile anyways

And this was only the start of the adventure...

Words- 703

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