Friends or foes?

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After the whole ordeal we decided to find a place for bendy and Boris.

Good thing I knew a place that had a nice old lady taking care of it. (Yes I'm talking about the small cat)

After we arrive me and Boris get the key to their room while bendy has a little rant about the life of being short with the owner.

I help Boris get comfy in their inn, then noticed that bendy went missing.

Of course both me and Boris got worried and decided that we would separate and look for his brother.

After running around like a crazy women I noticed that Boris was getting mugged.

On instincts I ran up to the robber and roundhouse his ass on the face.

"What the hell is wrong with you man, picking on kids like that" I scowl and the man

I let the robber runs away, we cuss each other out on the way. I then turn to Boris to see if he was alright

"Are you okay?!" Taking Boris's face into my hands inspecting if he had any injuries

I sigh in relief not finding anything.

'Thank god I get to live for another day' i think to myself knowing bendy would've had my ass if anything happened

Speaking of bendy.

I turn to see bendy in cuphead's arms completely ignoring the awe reaction they had on their faces.

I then speed walk up to bendy and hit him on his head


I was moved out the way right at boris hugged his brother sobbing

I of course don't ignore cuphead existence and look and him with a brow raised questioning why he was here in the first place

He quickly turns away looking away from my gaze and hides his face with one hand.

"Did you really just help us?" Boris suddenly asks

Both me and Boris gasp as we see who walk out from behind cuphead

'Omg, omg, omg, omg, omg, omg, omg, omg, omg, OMG!!' I stood there stiff not know if I was looking at a ghost

"Hi!" Mugman grins out

Ignoring the fact Mugman came back from the dead I shook my head and turned towards cuphead

"Thanks you?" I say not knowing the whole situation

"Yeah, yeah whatever, no time for this shit though, looks like bendy needs some rest" he says blushing a bit

I quickly turn towards bendy and finally noticing his state

'SHIT DID I REALLY HIT HIM WHILE HE WAS LIKE THAT!?' I mentally noted to apologize to bendy later when he's in a better state.

After that we bid our goodbyes and went our separate ways.

After that Boris and I took bendy back to the inn they were staying at and helped him to his bed.

I also tried to calm down the owner of the inn which only worked a little, eventually Boris spoke up and told her everything was going to be okay

"If you say so! Just take care of your little brother okay?" She says kindly

Both me and Boris try holding in our laughter which we couldn't hold back after bendy suddenly wakes up and yell at the poor lady.

After our laughter calmed down, it was time for me to leave.

I bit my good byes once again and started to head back to my place.


Words- 587

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