To our next journey

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After we had to drop our little mermaid off, seems like her and mugman had quite a moment cause mugman seems more down than his usually happy self.

I nudge cuphead as a way to tell him he should do something. He only glances at me before rolling his eyes and making his way towards his brother. Wrapping an arm around him.

"Come on muggsie, it's not like you'll never see her again" cupman says as he tries to cheer him up.

"I know it's just that, we don't don't know how long this journey is gonna take, what if she already forgotten about me by then" he sighs out.

"Well I don't think you'll have worry about that I mean come on who could ever forget about you muggsie" I say in a teasing tone as I pinch one of his cheeks.

"Yeah bro come on think on the bright side, you'll have a lot of stories to tell her once we get back" cuphead says comfortably.

"I guess..." he says in a slightly happier mood.

"So where are we heading to next?" I ask as I turn towards Boris and Bendy as they were looking at the map once again.

"Apparently we have to take this almost abandoned train to our next location" bendy says in a calm voice

"Oh I've heard of that train! Supposedly it's haunted" mugman says in a spooky voice.

"What!? Your joking right?!" Boris yells a bit scared of ghosts it appears.

"Why are you scared?" Cuphead joins his brother in scaring Boris

I push cuphead and mugman out the way

"Don't be mean you guys, your gonna scare the kid half to death" I say as I give them a side glare

"There's nothing to worry about Boris, it probably just a myth" my brother Felix joins in

"Plus you have us to protect you" I say with a grin.

"I guess so.." he says in a more calm voice.

"So how far are we from this place anyways?" Cuphead asks with both his arms behind his head

"Not that far but we're probably going to have to set camp for the night, we've walked quite a bit already" bendy says as he changed the location he was walking.

"There's a waterfall not that far from here that wouldn't be a bad place to camp out for the night." He says as he put the map back in Boris's bag.

"Good to know cause I'm dying for a bath right about now" I say as I stretch out my limbs

Bendy quickly puts all his attention on me as soon as the word bath came out of my mouth

"Bath you say?" He says with a sly grin

"Don't get any ideas" Felix quickly butts in getting in between bendy and I.

I stick out my tongue at bendy as I walk toward cuphead.

"So how's everything going on over here?" I ask him as I lean forward a little to look at his face just to check up on his injuries without actually touching his face.

"Getting a little to comfortable around me aren't ya" he says with a small grin as he flicks my forehead

"Ow! Hey!" I yell as I rub my now stinging forehead

"Pft- don't be a baby" he says with a chuckle

"Yeah well your not the one how got flicked on the forehead" I say with a playful glare

We but chuckled at this and then continued to walk for bit, comforting silence fell upon us

"How are your injuries?" He suddenly asks.

"Could be better, fractured ribs don't feel the best" I says as I look down at my bandage torso.

I turn to look at him only to see him staring at my injury his face filled with guilt.

"I'm sorry I wasn't able to help you in time." He says apologetic as he stars at his hands, then squeezing them softly.

I gently put my hand on this shoulder before responding.

"You were focused on saving your brother..your instincts took over" I say with a small smile

"I would've done the same if it was my brother" I added

A small smile grew on his face he rests a hand on top of mine before brushing it off.

"Your scar looks awesome by the way" I say nonchalantly as I then put my hands behind my back.

He blushes at this before turning his face away from me.

"Awe come on is someone getting flustered!!" I say teasingly as I jump onto his back trying to get a look at his face.

"Get off of me woman!" He yells as he kept turning so I wouldn't look as his face which was barley kept out of sight.

I then feel Felix pull me off of him.

"Don't be mean to the boy y/n, he's been through enough." My brother scolds

"Awe your no fun" I say with a teasing pout.

"We're here!" Boris and mugman yell

"Woahhhhh" we all say as we come upon the gorgeous waterfall


Phew that a fat minute you guys! Sorry I left it on a cliffhanger I promise to make the next chapter way more interesting, y'all see what I'm doing with cuphead at bendy -wink- -wink-

Alright talk to y'all later xoxo

Words- 893

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