The cup brothers!?

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I was strolling around for a while now and bendy and Boris probably left by now to

While I was looking around at some shops to see if anything catches my eye but sadly nothing did and I just left the shop

That's of course when I started hearing some yelling and blasts that didn't sound like any gun I heard before, I went around the corner to see what all the fuss was about, and you would be surprised to what I found

If you guessed bendy being chased by a man that can shoot lasers from their hand... then that's oddly specific and I would question how in the hell you got it correct maybe your a fan stalking me or something...

But anyways backs to the situation in hand.

bendy was getting shot with lasers well of course the lasers missing by an inch or so

Well anyways my instincts finally kicked in and I ran to help bendy get away and of course ask him what all of this was about

I ran after them and when I caught up I noticed the cup man. It look like he was about to shoot bendy.So I quickly pushed bendy down dodging the laser but it did leave a small burn mark on my shoulder.

"Y/N! What are you doing here!"bendy yells at me with a shocked face

"Saving your ass!"I yells back at him grabbing his arm and running away

As we were running, he tried shooting at bendy again but accidentally shooting his comrade...

We all looked a the scene in shock. We were speechless..the cup person fell on his knees. I could see him slowly realizing what he's down as tears start to well up on the brim of his eyes.

The cup person slowly crawled over to his comrade in need of medical help.

"M-mugs...h-hang in there, let me just take you to..."

'mugs so that's his name' I thought and I sadly looks at the scene of front of us

But mugs then closed his eyes which made want to cry, not one deserves death and this is definitely not a way for someone to go.

"Hey...HEY! No! Open your eyes OPEN THEM NOW!"he tells yells at him while pushing his hands on his body shaking like his life depended on it.

"S-sir please let us help"Boris offers trying to do something, anything than just sit around and watch this poor man die in front of him

The cup person started laugh maniacally before turning to our direction

"D-did I say your death was going to be quick and painless?"he says with an insane look in his eyes

"my bad! I meant that I'm going to enjoy tearing you limb from limb"he replies as a scare aura surrounds him, it sent chills down all of us.

Bendy then grabs mine and Boris hands

"Let's get out of here guys he's going crazy"bendy says looking at us with worry

"But what about-" Boris start before getting cut off

"He'll help him out in his own, it's not our problem.."bendy says cutting Boris off

After that we ran and Boris was crying so I hold his hand a bit tighter trying to comfort him.

After we got away bendy turned to look at Boris.

"For the love of- why are you crying Boris they both deserve to die!"bendy yells at Boris

"B-but they didn't seem all that bad something or someone is making them do this, I just know it! The poor guy, he shot his own brother.."Boris replies

'They were brothers? poor thing, the things he must be going through' I thought to myself

"Bendy I think he's right, what would you do if you lost Boris, have you ever even talked to them before? Or try getting to know them? Or even trying to know something about them?" I asked

"Yes they tried killing you but from what I saw it looked like they might be after you to protect themselves from something else, Haven't you ever question why they were after you or how suddenly they starting looking for you intending to kill you guys? Or how they have to get rid of you two immediately?" I also asked him

"We have something they want, we don't know why they want it, but all I know is that they want to kill us off and get our map for their own needs" bendy starkly replies

'A map? What kind of map is this for these people to have to kill to get their hand on it?' I silently questioned

' he didn't answer the rest of my questions how rude' I thought pouting softly

'I'll let him off the hook this time I guess' I sighed

"Either way shouldn't you be comforting your brother instead of making him feel worse about it..."I asked and huffed in irritation.

Bendy looks at me shocked for a second but he then reluctantly nods in agreement before looking back at Boris

I immediately notice the guilt in bendy's eyes when he sees boris's puffy red eyes

This changes immediately tho he changed him mood into a kind caring one

"Now where's my happy wittle wolf?"he said cutely to Boris why squeezing his cute chubby cheeks

Boris mumbles his response but I understood what he said

"I can't hear you!"bendy replies while nuzzling Boris nose

"Here I am!" Boris says softly but with a small smile on his face

I giggle on how cute they're brotherly love was

"Boris, Y/N!" I heard a familiar voice call out to us

"Mickey?"we both questioned in the same time

"Oh you poor things, you guys almost gave me a heart attack!"he said hugging me a little bit then holds onto Boris this made me roll my eyes but couldn't help how happy Boris looked in this situation

I then see Boris nuzzling into mickeys hug this made my smile widen from the cuteness

Mickey notices this and starts blushing a little

"Aww I missed you to"he says chuckling a little

Boris immediately get off of Mickey and leans on bendy like he was a counter top

"Wassup! So, like, what're you up to!" He says voice cracking trying not to sound embarrassed which was kinda funny but cute in the same time

"We heard Some loud noises so we just wanted to check, good thing we did" Mickey explains

'Mickey is to kind for this world' I thought to myself while holding back fake tears


This is like the whole episode but I hoped you enjoyed this chapter you'll see your brother in the next 😉

-1134 words

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