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       After the whole situation that occurred last night I couldn't help but avoid bendy a little. Don't get me wrong I still have small talk with him but it was different it came out forced. I couldn't even look at him in the eyes after my hallucination or nightmare i had of him. We eventually made it to our stop. This so called abandoned train, apparently rumors were that it was haunted and the train only moved at a specific time.

"Let's have a look around and try to find where this other piece is..." my brother says hesitantly as he follows the map into the train. Of course i couldn't let him wander by himself so I made sure to occupy him.

I felt a tug on my wrist as the others went ahead and continue to follow my brother. I look down to see bendy. I quickly fixate my gaze onto something else as I couldn't even look him in his eyes.

"...y/n... did I do something to upset you?" Bendy says in a hurt voice as he lets go of my wrist.

I say silent for a few seconds before responding.

"'s hard to explain.."i start as I didn't really know what to say as I was still confused on how I should feel towards him.

"A lot is going on and i have a lot of my shoulders..." i say continuing to avoid eye contact.

"Y/n..look at me please.." he says hurt once again as I could feel his eyes on me.

I close my eyes and let out a soft sigh before turning to look at him in his eyes. There I stood in a bit of an awe as I could see how he hurt he looks, he reminds me of a kicked puppy and i couldn't help but feel my heart being clenched in guilt by this. I try to look away but he holds onto my hands making it hard for me to turn away.

"Y/n, you know I care for you don't you?" He says in a caring tone, making sure to not cut the eye contact with me

"...of course I do bendy.." i say calmly as I finally relax against his gaze

"Then if you don't mind me..." he whisper softly as he pulled me down towards his height and leans closer towards my face.

I feel my face heat up, but I couldn't help finding myself slowly shutting my eyes. Feeling like the moment couldn't get any better.

"Y/N!" I hear my brother yell, making me jump as I feel my face flush from the situation.

"Oh— uhh— Ahem i need to go see what that's about.." i say quickly and awkwardly as I then rush towards where my brother yelled out for me.

Bendy stood there in awe since he was so close on finally getting a kiss from me. You could see him seething in annoyance as he followed where the noise came from also.

"W-what's up fel?" I ask as I stood somewhat embarrassed, he raised an eyebrow at me before responding.

"The map is point towards this door, so I wanted to make sure your prepared for anything, after all they didn't call this a ghost train for nothing" he explained as he took out some weapons from his bag.

I nod in understanding as I also prepare myself for anything. I feel eyes on me. I turn to look only to see cuphead watching me, but it felt different, it almost felt like he was fixated on something...or maybe...

I look down to the symbol on my chest, feeling somewhat vulnerable I quickly turn to cover it up, my face heating up as I had an idea on what he was so worried about.

I give him a somewhat reassuring smile as I nod in understanding as well, he turns slightly flustered as I caught him staring.

The sun started to set, Boris and Mugman stood next to their brothers, Mugman being a little more confident than Boris but you could still tell both were nervous.

The door slowly creaked open, and we all entered cautiously.


Words- 704

A/N- I was never hereeee *poof vanishes* 👻

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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