The demon is finally out..

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"Keep it up mugs!" Félix yells out as he gets his dagger ready

Before he could do anything a black figure rushes pass him attacking the mermaid straight on

"That'!" Mugmans tells as his eyes gleam in amazement

"I didn't know you could do this!" Mugman grins out but then gets surprised when bendy turns towards him

"Gosh. You're kinda spooky-looking" mugman says with a shaking voice before cuphead steps in front of his him protecting him from bendy

"B-bendy? Is that really you?" He asks as he looks at him intimidating

"Aww look at you down there!" Bendy grins out as he ruffles cuphead's hair

"I guess that would explain you short temper!" He laughs out before calming down and rubbing the ink off his eyes

"I wish this was real" he sighs out "sorry ladies, I'd love to stay and chat but I gotta show this bitch who's the boss for now" he smiles out

Somewhere near the fight~~~

"Boris? Did this ever happened to bendy before?" Félix asks as he Caresses his sisters hair

"" he says with a soft voice

"Gosh! Well, he seems to act his usual self, I guess" he says with a bit of worry in his voice

"Ughhhh" I groan out as I sit up

Both Boris an Felix turn giving me there full attention

"Uhhhh-" I started before my brother tackles me in a hug

"DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH YOU WORRIED ME!!" He screams at me with worry

"Yeah, yeah, don't start being a crybaby on me now big bro" I sigh out

"But I am sorry" I frown "I wasn't expecting to pass out that fast in a fight" I sigh out as I rub the back of my head

Felix huffs out while Boris just watches us in case he had to separate a fight

"Anyways" I start as I look pass Boris and Felix "who's going to deal with that?" I pointed behind them as I watch "bendy" fight the huge mermaid like it was nothing

Both me and Felix sigh out as we both start to get up and pat the dirt off ourselves

I then turn my head towards him giving him a knowing smirk.

He rolls his eyes before getting in a fight position.

We both then start to run towards the mermaid head on with our weapons out and ready.

"Whoever takes it down first gets to brag in there book!" I yell towards him as I slash the mermaids arm.

"Your gonna regret that!" He yells back as he throws a knife at its face only for it to slash its cheek a bit, groaning that he missed.

I laughed but suddenly stop as someone seems to pull me into a tight hug.

"Can't breath-" I gasp as my voice seemed to be muffled by someone's chest.

I lift my head to look at who it was only to see bendy.

He looks down at me smirking as my face starts to flush.

"Aweee look at your adorable face, where did all that confidence go huh?" He teases as he lets me down.

I look up at him smiling before punching him on the arm.

"Ow! What was that for" he whines out as he rubs his arm.

"That's for being a tease! Also how did you tur-" I started but was cut off by cupheads and Boris scream.

"MUGMAN/BRO!" They yelled as mugman was brought up towards the mermaids mouth.


A/N- guess who's back mother ******s 😈😈

Words- 594

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