ink illness

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A/n— this might be wack so your allowed to skip if you like, their is a lot of bendy x reader in this one though 😅☺️


As we continue through the trail we decided to camp out of a night since we couldn't walk for much longer.

  When we were all sitting you could imagine how all of us were surprised when Boris told us bendy use to play guitar

I was impressed but when cuphead made a joke about bendy's I could help but laugh my ass off

Bendy got annoyed and even tried to fight cuphead
Of course my big brother held him back before he did anything he regretted and everything seemed to calm down for now

Boris started to play his clarinet and I couldn't help but hum a small tune as he played

The others started to hype me up so I couldn't help but start sing out loud, it's not like I'm embarrassed of sing it's more like I didn't really feel like it

I started singing (the song above)

And once I finished everyone seemed to be calmed or they complemented my singing

Of course I got flustered by this and tried hiding my blush with my hands

It's seemed to make my brother tease me from how 'cute' I was being

Of course I punched him on the shoulder to stop but this just seemed to encourage him to tease me even more

For some reason cuphead joined in and even Bendy started teasing to after a while for some reason they made it like it was some sort of competition to see who could make me blush the most

Of course I just got up getting ready to throw hands while my face was flushed and I threatened them all slowly that if they continued I wouldn't be shy to kick their asses

This seemed to make them stop for now

But my brother just looked at me smirking while raising an eyebrow

I rolled my eyes at him making my blush finally vanish

The next morning though, I had to wake up earlier than usually to get my "morning sickness" dealt with

This didn't go unnoticed though as it seems that someone was awake at this moment

I walked really far away from camp so no one could hear my pain in agony as ink started to drip from my nose and mouth

Tears started to well up in my eyes as I clenched my teeth to hold in my screams

I fell to my knee barley holding my body up with my hands, I decided not to hold it in anymore as I let out a scream of pain as I threw up a lot of ink

Someone came running in as they heard my scream....I'm was bendy and he looked horrified at the scene of from of him

As I see his expression I started to bawl my eyes out I tried to hold in my inkness in for a bit longer so bendy wouldn't see me terrible form

It didn't seem so matter though as bendy quickly helped me clean up some of the ink out of my face and rubbed my back in comfort as I threw up the rest of the black ink

After I was done I couldn't help but cry in embarrassment as I was slowly having a panic attack

Bendy of course spoke up "hey, hey it's okay i won't tell anyone about what I saw" he whispers so me softly

I slowly start to calm down as I look up at him

I hesitated but I spoke "thank you, I'm so sorry you had to witness that... quite disgusting huh..." I looked down on the ground in disgust and shame

Bendy wraps his arms around me giving me a comforting hug

"Hey I know what it's like, and it may be disgusting to others but it's something we both have to go through, I guess you can say we're both unlucky, I don't really think it's disgusting because it's something we aren't able to control, either way your one of the pretties, cutest girl I've seen, which by the ways I've seen many" he teasingly said looking at me with a smirk and small blush

I smiled at him, punched him softly on his chest, and hid my face in his shoulder from exhaustion " thank you bendy, that means a lot to me" I say softly as I feel my face heat up a bit

'He sure does know how to make a girl feel special' I smile at the thought

I pull away from the hug

"Let's go back to the others, I don't want my brother teasing me again" I chuckled and I grabbed his hand and pulled him to his feet

"Yeah, yeah if that happens I might get some teasing as well, now let's go shall we my lady" he bows as he sticks his arm out smirking

I giggled at his act " yes we shall good sir" I say and I pretended I had a dress on and bent my knees as a small bow as I wrapped my arm around his

And with that is when I started growing feelings for this short little demon


Word count- 884

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