Small fight..

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A/N- sorry for the random meg drawing 😔🙏


"So are we going back to micks crew?"Boris asked

"Sorry Boris, but that mouse was a little too nice for no reason"bendy replies starkly

"So?"boris asks sounding a little irritated

"Come on bro, no one is that nice without wanting something in return!"Bendy snaps

This broke my heart, bendy really thinks Mickey would use boris like that, Bendy is really starting to piss me off a little

"Thanks but I know what I'm doing! Besides, I can't just turn down an invitation like that..especially by someone as amazing as Mickey, he was there for you too, remember?"boris snaps back

"You're so easily trusting, why can't you grow up for once?" Bendy replies irritated

'He did not just say that to his own brother' I thought looking at him with disgust and anger

I looked at back at Boris, he held back tears

Bendy just crossed the line without thinking I went up to bendy and slapped him, tears of anger fell down my face.

"You have no right to speak about Mickey like that, you don't know what we've been through, you don't know anything about him! So stop making accusations like you know everything!!"I snapped at him

After that I slowly started to regret what I did and for causing a scene.

but I was still angry at him he had no right to be talking about Mickey like that I know Mickey and he would never do something like that to Boris or anyone else

so I angrily turned around grabbing boris's hand and tried stomp away with him to look for Mickey but bendy quicky grabbed my wrist

"Bendy, let go." I said sternly not even glancing at him

"Look y/n your right I shouldn't be talking, I know nothing about mickey or his crew, but you got to understand that mickey have been a little to nice and it gets me on the edge, everything you said was true and I'm sorry okay, I take everything back"he responds

I sigh finally turning around to face him

"Look bendy i get it, i get very over protective when people talk badly about people that I'm close with, and I know your the same with boris, but that gives you no right to be rude about it, you should also apologize to boris for being a dick to him" I say sternly

Bendy does just that, and we fixed the whole brother situation

After that bendy finally agreed that we could go back to Mickey crew

When we entered the diner we heard Mickey's yell

"My Boris!"He yells running to boris and pulling him  into a tight hug

'Wow so suddenly I don't matter? The audacity' I smirked and chuckled at mickey's behavior

"Hi Mickey"I say cutting their little moment

I then see Boris and Mickey blush and bendy glaring at Mickey annoyed he's getting all touchy with his brother

I just chuckle in amusement at the scene in front of me

"Oh thank goodness you're safe! All of you of course!"he quickly adds in that last part and laughs nervously

I roll my eyes cringing when he quickly adds in "all of you" I knew he mostly cared about Boris not that i minded or anything.

"Do you know what happened here or did you miss it like I did?"Mickey asks

"W-well" boris tries to explain but gets cut of by bendy

bendy pushes mickeys hands off of Boris

I chuckle since I knew he was just being an overprotective brother again

"Sorry we don't do a lot of touching, it's a family thing" bendy says glaring at Mickey

I softly glared at bendy giving it as a warning

"Thanks for everything but we're kinda in a hurry, just ask one of your friends about it"Bendy tells him

"I...I can invite you guys in some other res.."Mickey tries to say but get cut off by bendy again

"I said we're In a hurry"bendy repeats sternly

i raise a brow at him "really now?" I then sigh and turn towards Mickey

"Don't worry mick I'll expla-"but then bendy grabs onto me and cuts off

'I'm really this close 🤏 on hitting this child ' I mentally noted

"Sorry but she'll be coming with us we need to talk to her about something"bendy quickly cuts me off

I shrugged at Mickey before getting dragged out by bendy

"Bendy you didn't have to be so rude to mickey, i could've explained everything to him" I hugged and pouted

"There's so point, we don't want anyone else dragged into this"bendy sighs out

"Oh." Is all I said in confusion and curiosity

"This is like, the second time we caused trouble to Mr. Mickey, why does he even still like me?"boris replies

"Why indeed!"bendy agrees immediately

"We don't do touching?it's a family thing?What was that?" boris huffs out to his brother

"Well I may have lied about the family thing but I still hate touching"bendy replies

"Aww does that mean I can't touch you anymore bendy"I whine teasingly which made bendy blush

But then he smirks

"I don't mind pretty girls like yourself touching me"he says while giving me a flirtatious wink

I smirk, the jokingly turned around, held my head high and made a little 'himp' sound, showing all signs of rejection

Bendy the dramatically acts like he's been shot through the heart and yelps out an 'ouch'

I then continued explain to Boris that mickey has a kind hearted soul and that he'll like him no matter what

I do this while ignore bendy the whole time as he starts to pout

Boris notices this and plays along just to play with bendy

At the end of the day we just start to wheeze at the things bendy did to get our attention.


This one is happy one now should I make the next on a little sexual 😉❤️ you'll find out

-1023 words

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