My brother felix!

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After the incident Mickey invited us to go out to eat with them

"Mr. Mickey you don't have too.."Boris says while blushing softly

"Nah it's fine my treat!"Mickey responds smiling happily

"It's like I'm talking to a freagin wall" Donald says annoyed

I giggle on the fact my 'nephew' repeated what he said

I then see ozzy run to hug a cat that I just noticed sitting on a stool

"Poor ozzy"I say knowing exactly who ozzy thought it was

"Holy shit!"Donald yells laughing his ass off

"Donald watch your mouth"Mickey says worryingly

"S-sir?"the man replies

I heard that voice before I thought to myself

I then see Mickey pull ozzy away from the man

"What's gotten into you?"Mickey asks ozzy

I see the man cover his face in embarrassment? I think?

"I'm so sorry! I don't know what to.."mickey tries to explain but then get cut off

"O-oh no! It's okay! Who can say no to a hug hehe"the man replies while giving a small chuckle

I then saw his face

"W-wait that can't be"I say looking at the man with a shocked face

I see bendy start walking towards him but before he could speak, I yelled

"Big bro is that really you!" I say wagging my tail and tackling my brother in a hug

"Y-y/n! Oh it's been so long"he hugs me back and chuckles softly at my excitement

Bendy then coughs

"Oh sorry bendy"I said smiling

"Wait your his sister?" He asks curious

"Ah yeah! Sorry for not fully introducing myself!"I say smiling

"I'm y/n l/n and this here is my brother Felix l/n"I say snuggling on my brothers cheek

"W-wait your y/n l/n!?" He says surprisingly

"No wonder I thought you were familiar!" He yells

I giggle at his reaction

"Anyways, are those guys your friends? You know, the little mouse and...the handsome bunny~" Felix asks

"Ah they're the crew that I joined remember?"I respond smiling

"And I'll tell you more about that bunny later" I whisper in his ear

He then blushes madly and looks away in embarrassment

I chuckle at his reaction

"Anyways I'll let you two chat, I'll go check on ozzy" I say smiling

I look back and see Boris joining them

"Ah! No need y/n he's just gonna get some rest"Mickey told me

"Are you sure he'll be okay" I say looking at the ground

"Yeah no worries go tell max that we'll be back"says mick

"K, lemme just do one thing" I say smiling

"Sure what is it-"before he could finish I give ozzy and Mickey a quick peck on their cheeks

I see both of them blush a little, but I just giggle

"Take care guys" I wave them off before walking away

I then see Felix leaving

"Aww leaving already big bro?"I say pouting

"Yeah, but I'm only going to go talk to the bunny"he says chuckling on my reaction

"Well I'll see you later, okay big bro?"I asked

"Sure maybe we can go on some adventures sometime" he replies smiling

"Sure!"I say hugging him and giving him a quick peck on the cheek before I wave goodbye and walk towards bendy and Boris


I hoped you liked this chapter the next one is gonna be fun 😊!

-582 words

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