Ozzy's voice!?

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Sorry look like there won't be any sexual stuff Happening but you went home which was where Mickey was since it was getting dark and you had to sleep (this is what I meant when I said you had to watch the original first 😅)

In the morning I woke to the smell of pancakes. For some reason I felt like today was going to be a great day.

That's until you felt something coming up from your throat. Oh no

I ran to the bathroom as fast as I could. I can't let anyone see me like this. You see everyday I hold my ink illness in till the next morning so I can let it all out before I start my day, like morning sickness.

But the problem with this is that after I do this i would get twice the pain.

After i finished, i passed out from to much pain it lasted for 2 hour.

When I woke up I cleaned up and went to the kitchen to eat my breakfast that Donald always makes.

I walked into the kitchen and got my own serving of pancakes

"Guess who decided to share his voice again" donald yells

"hm?"I turn around to see ozzy and Donald while eating my pancakes

"Hey y/n" ozzy says

After I heard him say that I dropped my food and ran over to ozzy tackling him into a hug

"Ozzy! Your voice!" I yelled sobbing

"Y-y/n your embarrassing me.."ozzy says softly hugging me back softly

"I can't help it I'm just so happy"I say smiling while tears roll off my cheeks

Oswald just chuckled softly and pets my head comfortably, but lets me continue

Once i stopped crying and start talking to ozzy for a bit till Mickey showed up

"I'm sorry for waking up a little late I could barely sleep last night"mick says while yawning and rubbing his eye

mick explains why he could sleep we heard one of ozzy's kid yell for him

I then see Sheba chasing of of the kids

'classic Sheba' I thought to myself

Ozzy catches his son and yells at Sheba

I then see Felix not so far back from Sheba

"Sheba!please!your scaring the little kid"Felix yells at Sheba

"What's the biggie? I just wanna snuggle'em"Sheba says while pouting

"Tell her leave me alone mr Felix" yells my nephew

"Hello"says ozzy when Felix shows up

I then see my brothers face explode bright red

I chuckle on how cute my brother was being

I then see my brother faint and Sheba catching him

"Whoa man! You alright?"asks Sheba

I got really worried for by brother but giggle for his silliness

"Here let me help" I say and help my brother wake back up

"Oh thank goodness, you scared us there feel"Sheba says

I decided to go out for my breakfast so Sheba and Felix can have my share, I kinda also wanted to give my brother alone time with his crush.😉

We decided to meet up at Sheba's shop since I had to go get my breakfast

I went into a diner and I noticed bendy and cuphead talking I was curious so I went up to them

"Hey guys how've you been"I said giving them one of my closed eyes smile

I open them to see them blushing, 'why does this happen to every guy I meet' I thought to myself

I sat with them while having a chat with them and ate our breakfast.

After we ate we were going to the same place so we went to Sheba's shop together.

When we went there I saw Felix so I decided to do a sneak attack like we did when we're kids.

Felix notice this and pinned you down.

"You know I never let my guard down little sis"Felix says while chuckling

"But you are also too cocky"I smirks catching him off guard I push him off and was able to turn him around pushing onto the ground and pulled his arms behind his back.

"Alright!alright!you win your win"he yells in pain from how far I'm pulling his arm

"Say it~"you say with a smirk

"I'll buy you your f/c(favorite candy)please let go"He whines

"Yes!" I yell in victory

"Whoa y/n 101 and Felix 99"Sheba says

I turn around to see bendy starting to fanboy and the others looking impressed

"Hey feel you something on your face there"Sheba point out

"Hm? Lemme just.."feel says while trying to clean the ink off his face

You could see the claw marks from the fire tiger attack

"It's not completely off big bro" I say using my shirt for the same showing a bit of my sport bra

I also had a claw mark on my back, like I said I did travel with him as well

I finally got it off and turn around to see some guys flushered or worried but bendy was just fanboying

"Are those the marks from the"bendy starts

"Fire tiger, Sure is"me and felix replied

"So most of you guys book are about real events?" Bendy asks with excitement

"With a little bit of exaggeration but yeah most of it is true" I reply for botg of us

Then bendy couldn't help his fanboy inner self

'Cute' me and my brother whisper to each other


The next chapter will be the start of our adventure. This chapter was a little longer than the lasts ones I hope you don't mind anyways I hoped you enjoyed the chapter~😉

-954 words

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