Small Conflict.

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         "CANNONBALL!" Mugman yells as he pulls in Boris with him.

"AHHHH!" Boris cries as he didn't expect to be pulled into water so quickly

"Yeah!" I yell as I was about to jump in with them, quickly getting my hands on the bottom of my shirt before being quickly stopped by Felix.

"Y/N! Your injuries!!" He scolds as he then pulls me away from the water

"Oh right." I say embarrassed as I just remember about my injuries for a second

"Come on let go see if we can find a smaller body of water you can take your bath." He says as he pulls me, walking around to check the back of the waterfall.

"Awe no fair." I say with a pout as I allow my brother to drag me around

Bendy's POV

I clench my fists as I watch cuphead look at Y/N with those disgustingly loving eyes.

I saw how they were goofing off early and it really got on my nerves.

I then pause before looking at the ground.

"What did I expect..." I think to myself.

"She could do so much better, she has all this success and here I am thinking a sick man like me deserves her..." I stare at the ground for a bit before snapping my attention back onto cup head

He was already staring back at me.

"Hey is everything okay bendy?" He asks as he rubs the back of his head.

"...why are you asking?" I ask trying my best not to let my jealousy show

"We'll after the whole you turning into a overpowered monster, I just wanted to ask." He says say a bit of venom almost not noticeable.

"What are you talking about?" I say confused but angered as well

"Why do they keep mentioning something about the mermaid fight ." I ask myself

"Oh come on don't act dumb Bendy" he says adding a fake chuckle at the end of that

"I'm not acting dumb, I really don't know what your talking about." I say adding a bit of venom to end of my sentence.

It looked like he was about to say something but it looked like he quickly changed his mind.

"Whatever bendy, and here I thought we were becoming friends." He says as he turns to walk away.

"What's up with him." I ask my conscience, not like I expected an answer back.

Back to y/n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Me and Felix ended up finding a nice spot behind the waterfall for me to take a bath.

"I'll keep guard of the entrance, just in case someone decides to be a pervert." He says with a small groan

"Haha okay you do that, protect me from the nasty men out there." I say teasingly

"Yeah, yeah, just hurry up and bathe I can smell you from here" he say jokingly as he squeezes his noise making a motion that I stink.

I flip him off before telling him to turn around.
I then remove my shirt slowly since any fast movements would make my injuries hurt. I then took off my bandaging before slowly propping myself  in the small body of water.

"Tsssssss" I yelp softly as I feel the cold water clean some of my small wounds.

"Everything okay in there?" Felix asks as I was his tail move side to side in worry

"I'm fine! The water is just cold." I yell toward him since we had a bit of distance from each other.

I quickly put my focus back on my body making sure to scrub down my body with soap gently and then then washing my hair out with shampoo and conditioner. (She brought her bag with her for those who question where she got these items).

Before I was able to reach out my hand for the towel I feel a sharp pain on my chest coming from the tattoo of the missing piece.

"AAAGGKK!!!" I yell in pain as I quickly clutch my hand into my chest.

"Y/N?!" Felix yells as he quickly turns to look at me.

Thankfully the soap I used made enough bubbles to cover the important parts of my body.

I then cough up large amount of ink, more than usual, making my throat burn and tears run down my face. I quickly try to cover my mouth to stop the ink from coming out but only to make it worse it gets all over my hands and a bit came out of my nose.

I then see Felix quickly run towards me but before I could make out his hand reaching out for me everything goes black.


TADAaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Two in a week bitchessss!!!! Don't get used to it 🧍🏻‍♀️

Words- 791

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