New adventure

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After bendy told Sheba what he needed, I noticed him and his brother talk about something about a blank paper?

Before I could ask anything about the map my brother jumped into their conversation

"Magical! Did you, by any chance mean "you he ink machine piece" by the word "piece" and this must be the map from above! I can't believe it's real! It really is blank" my brother asks with curiosity and amazement

"Oh, sorry I got carried away"my brother apologizes

"How did you come up with that?"boris asks surprised

"Quite a strange discovery in the towns nearby casino"felix responds

"Let's just say both of us found a secret message and spent ages deciphering it"I quickly add in remembering what he was talking about

"Even after that, it seemed risky to tell the world of such a thing, it's just hard to believe, not to mention how much of a touchy subject the inkness is.."my brother Felix sadly adds

"That's why we didn't include it in any of our books" I finished his sentence

"I can't believe you're the chosen ones! it must be awesome to feel like heroes!"my brother yells in amazement

"H-heroes?"I see bendy shutter being a blushing mess

"Maybe I'm being overly nosey but you know, I can really offer you guys my help by joining you on this quest?"my brother asks

"I know the way around "mount bulk" like the back of my hand, what do you say"my brother sticks his hand out to seal the deal

"I would be-"bendy says but get pulled back by his brother

"Can you excuse us for a sec"I hear Boris say

While I let those two chat I went to my brother

"Can you ask him if I can join as well I've been dying to go on an adventure again Felix"I ask giving him my best puppy eyes

He sighs but reluctantly agrees "Sure, the more the better" my brother answers

When bendy comes back telling Felix that he can join

"Ah! Right can y/n come too I think we might need Her strength as well"my brother asks for me

I then see bendy fanboy and nod

"Aw thanks bendy!"I yell in happiness and hug him

He then blushes and chuckles softly while returning the hug


This one is a little short but the next chapter will be he start of our adventure. I hoped you guys enjoy this chapter 😉

-423 words

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