toxic boyfriend - main four + adult trio

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To what lengths would they go to with their toxicity? Being in a relationship with them isn't always ideal. Every coin has two sides, after all.

Warnings: Toxic relationships, yandere themes, sexual content
Word count: 1.0k

Gon Freecs:

Gon is extremely stubborn, so if you were to get into an argument, you would always be the one apologizing first, even when you aren't in the wrong. He would never apologize first and would go days at a time without speaking to you if it meant he had to initiate communication first.

He forgets that you're his girlfriend sometimes. Killua has to remind him to text you that he's going out or that he's with Killua.

He's unknowingly manipulative. He says things like "You'd do this if you love me" or "Why're you so upset? You're so sensitive!"

Gon would, without hesitation, leave you if it meant he would be able to achieve what he wants.

He gets jealous when you have a conversation with any other guy and would get upset with you, but would keep in touch with the cougars he met on Whale Island. When you would get upset with him, he'd say you're being dramatic.


Killua Zoldyck:

When he first told you about his past, you pitied him. From then on, he took that opportunity to base everything he did on his past. If you were ever upset with him about something, he'd remind you of what his parents did to him in his past to make you feel sorry for him.

You noticed he's gotten more irritable lately. You could be having a normal conversation and he'd randomly tell you to shut up because you're annoying him.

Over time, you'd notice he'd stay silent or even walk away when you tell him you love him. He used to smile at you or give a sarcastic "I love me too!", but now he either just looks at you or leaves.

Killua would also leave for extended periods of time and when you questioned him, he would get mad and tell you to stay out of his business for your "safety."

Despite him acting like he doesn't even want to be with you, when you tried to break up with him, he literally wouldn't let you. Every time you tried to leave him he, without fail, caught you and brought you back home.


Kurapika Kurta:

He'd also leave for weeks at a time, no calls or texts explaining why and would lock himself in his room when he got back.

When you get into arguments he'd say "Yeah, you're right I'm wrong. Is that what you'd like to hear?"

He expects you to listen to him rant whenever he's upset because "that's what couples do" but goes on his phone or watches TV when you rant.

Kurapika would put your safety at risk if it means he would be able to catch the Phantom Troupe.

He lashes out at you whenever he's angry and never addresses it or apologizes afterwards. He just acts like nothing ever happened.


Leorio Paradinight:

Leorio would break up with you because of any small inconvenience and would show up with chocolates at your doorstep the next day and manipulate his way back into a relationship.

You always tried those "jealousy" tests on him to see if he truly cares who you're around, but he doesn't get jealous because you're not the only girl he's seeing.

Would come home at ungodly hours of the morning, drunk or high and break stuff in your home.

Every other day he suggests you guys "try something new" by getting into a polyamorous relationship because he gets tired of having to hide his side pieces from you.

Constantly drinking himself into oblivion, doesn't have a job, and barely even calls you his girlfriend while you're slaving away, working two jobs just to provide for both him and you.



Chrollo Lucilfer:

Chrollo doesn't allow you to leave the house sometimes and has cut you off completely from family and friends.

He's also not great with sharing and gets super possessive, even if you're talking to a male clerk. When you say he's overreacting, he'll gaslight you.

It goes without saying, he's extremely controlling. He needs to know where you are at all times.

Once, he actually let you go out alone after weeks of you protesting to, only to find out he sent Feitan and Phinks to follow you.

Chrollo does take your needs into consideration, but will always expect you to cater to his needs when he's in that type of mood and you aren't. But when you're horny, he'll take care of you if he wants to.


Illumi Zoldyck:

Without the head-cannon, he already qualifies as toxic.

Illumi doesn't know or care for any type of affection at all. He's perfectly satisfied with knowing that you're his and believes anything else is unnecessary.

He wants you to satisfy his needs and use you only as his puppet.

You find it dehumanizing the way he rewards you for doing what he wants. He'll "treat" you to a hug or a kiss, some free time, and if he's in that type of mood, he'll plant his seed in you.

One time, you were crying to him because you accidentally cut yourself and he just stared at you. Didn't offer a hug or try to console you, just looked at you. You dare say you saw disgust in that glare.


Hisoka Morow:

Again, doesn't need a head-cannon to qualify as toxic.

Hisoka uses you for his pleasure and his pleasure alone. If you're having sex and he finishes first, he'll leave you there.

Aftercare is all but nonexistent as well. He won't bother to clean you up or cuddle with you afterwards, he'll leave you there.

He talks about you to Illumi and Chrollo and tells them that you're merely his pet. Nothing more.

He likes to see you struggle whether it be financially, emotionally, physically, or mentally.


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