this moment - killua x f!reader

877 19 5


What will happen when the thin line between love and business finally snaps?

Commissioned piece
Words I got: Gun, sly, accent
Rating: General audiences
Word count: 2.0k

"I don't know how to say this," Your colleague started as you watched in curiosity, trying to see what he was getting at. "I like you."

It was open and genuine. Judging by his nervous posture and averted gaze, you kind of saw it coming.

The problem was, however, how to respond.

It had been six months since you and Killua had been forced to work together. The arrangements were abrupt, leaving you little time to prepare for yet another mission.

Although you adapted quickly to the new environment change, it still felt nice to share some of the stress with a partner and your sly director, of course, had to make it a man.

You've worked with a fair share of men before, one on one, but that usually ended in them expressing feelings for you that you didn't reciprocate. With Killua, though, it was different. Any feelings that he could possibly have for you went undetected, he kept everything professional and you found yourself enjoying every last bit of shared time with him.

Within a mere three weeks, you and your partner had already gathered an abundance of intel and decimated corrupt government leaders across the region.

While this did earn you a reasonable amount of enemies, it had also affiliated the two of you with multiple authoritative governors and admiration from the people within those governments.

The locals were pushy, always prying for information on your relationship with Killua, which for the sake of your work, you had disclosed as being a married couple.

You played the part well, kissing and taking his hand in yours all for the public.

But it was a fraud. All of it.

And you knew this. You thought Killua did too as he seemed to remain unaffected, but a small part of you-that you'd never admit-seemed to like his disinterest in you. He wanted you to make the first move, but your stubbornness wouldn't grant him that desire;

until recently.

"Are you being serious?" You inquired with a raised eyebrow. It was too quick. You didn't expect him to give into the silent competition that fast.

He stood in front of your seated figure on the large couch. "Yeah. I like you. I really do."

Taking notice of your frazzled expression, he figured you had no intention of responding any time soon. Even though he felt as if he wanted to take a gun to his head, he still continued. "I just needed to let it out, you don't have to feel the same way."

Oh, but you did. In the half a year you'd been with him, there was a profound feeling of fondness-a connection. A feeling that you had never experienced with anyone else.

Killua had a sense of sincerity to him. A light, childish demeanor polluted by his past. Even though the affection the two of you showed each other was fake, he still absorbed and cherished it, as he lacked such a sentiment during his childhood.

Perhaps that was the reason he needed to let it out now. He never had the proper outlet to just be an innocent child. It was a side of him he rarely showed to anyone, but you somehow made the cut.

You liked this side of him-you liked him in general, but you couldn't let the line between emotions and your work blur. So, you tried your best to move around it. "Killua, I-"

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