project seven (continuation) - killua x f!reader

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A friend was all Killua wanted, what kind of assassin thinks of that? (Continuation, read part one first.)

Non-Commissioned piece
Rating: Teen and up audiences
Word Count: 1.6k

Gray clouds enveloped the sky, further darkening the atmosphere as the pitter-patter against the building only served to grow louder. Since Illumi had thrown you out of the main estate, you were forced to walk a ways back to the servant quarters amidst the rain.

The welcome you received was less than warm. By now, you had a hunch that everyone already had word of the situation.

Your fellow servants were all surprised you survived an encounter with Alluka. The only exception was Canary, who genuinely seemed happy to see you.

Your anxiousness was apparent as you were still distraught over what happened, afraid Master Illumi would come bursting through the door to give you your punishment.

Fortunately, Gotoh pitied your situation, ordering you to "Go and rest."

So you did just that.

Putting on a raincoat, you walked out of the headquarters, past the mansion, and into the live greenery of the forest. You found yourself at the foot of the mountain, choosing a small clearing to settle in in order to collect your thoughts.

You stood against a tree, your arms neatly folded across your chest, emptily eyeing your surroundings.

As if mocking your sour mood, raindrops came more frequent, thickly trickling down the creases of your jacket. The large tree you were perched under mostly shielded you from the storm, but water still made its way through the leaves, not that you necessarily minded.

Truth be told, you were hardly able to comprehend the gravity of your situation, having no idea what the future held for you.

You weren't aware of the fact that Silva had granted you freedom, the thought of Illumi's venomous rage still repeating in your head.

You wondered how Killua would react if he heard about what happened. You were confident that he wouldn't be mad, but skeptical as the two of you never had any significant association. You kept to yourself and he never reached out. Kikyo's lurking around the servants only made it harder to do so.

Too busy drowning in your thoughts, your reaction time was delayed to realize the presence approaching you. The footsteps were inaudible, no sound to alert you.

"There you are." A voice called out.

Recognizing that you now had company, you jerked your head toward the source of the voice, eyes vigilantly scanning the area. "Who's there?"

You extended your aura out to locate the presence, drawing your body in a fighting pose, waiting for the intruder to appear from the shadows.

You were barely able to make out the figure, gradually stepping forward, in the dark atmosphere. Your eyes softened a bit seeing silvery hair tucked under a smokey gray hoodie, sapphire eyes fixated on you.

"You'll get sick standing in the rain, you know." Killua spoke, an arm awkwardly reaching to the nape of his neck, the other rested in his pocket.

"Master Killua." You retracted your defensive stance, bowing your head with respect.

"I heard about what happened today," He spoke, you bowing your head even lower, unable to meet his eyes again.

Guess he knows now.

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