poly relationships - main four

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Would these characters like the idea of sharing? How would the relationship start? What's to expect by double the trouble?

Rating: General audiences
Word count: 500

Gon Freecs and Killua Zoldyck:

How it started:
You met Gon and Killua together after their reunion on Whale Island. You came as a tourist and knew how to use nen, so you wouldn't be a burden to them.

Gon developed a crush on you first, then Killua soon after. Once they both found out that both of them liked you, it started a silent rivalry between them. But, they were best friends and wouldn't let you come between them. That's when Gon proposed the idea to have both of them date you and he planned for both him and Killua to confess to you at the same time.

How they feel about it:
Gon couldn't have asked for a better deal. Sometimes, he does get a little selfish, but he remembers he can trust Killua and would prefer to share with him, if anything.

Killua was iffy about it at first, but as time when on, he didn't mind it. He wonders how Gon came to like the idea so quickly.

What to expect:
You love them both, but sometimes they can share singular brain cell. If you're cuddling with Gon, then Killua's going to want a hug. If you kiss Killua, Gon is going to want two kisses.

Expect to be sandwiched by them. If you're hugging Gon, Killua is going to give you a hug from behind. If you guys are sleeping together, Gon will spoon you while you're intertwined with Killua as he holds your head close to his chest.


Kurapika Kurta and Leorio Paradinight:

How it started:
You started off dating Kurapika, but soon met Leorio. Kurapika had been so busy with the Phantom Troupe, so you started to spend time with Leorio more.

Of course, you gained feelings for Leorio, but felt horrible because you still loved Kurapika. Thankfully, you knew if you tried to talk about it with Kurapika, he'd listen. So, you sat both Kurapika and Leorio down and talked to them about how you felt and it was Leorio who proposed to just have you be with both of them.

How they feel about it:
Kurapika had a hard time hearing Leorio out at first, but eventually came to terms with the idea. He trusted Leorio after all, and having someone there with you while he was gone comforted him.

Having brought up the idea, Leorio liked the idea and patted himself on the back for it.

What to expect:
It's usually just you and Leorio and you guys do have a fun time together, but it's not the same without Kurapika.

When you guys are out together, expect to be holding Kurapika's hand while Leorio has an arm around your shoulder. At home, you'd be smooshed between the two of them on the couch, with both of their arms around your neck.

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