boy next door - gon x f!reader

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Your neighbor comes to your rescue as you unfortunately forgot the keys to your apartment.

Commissioned piece
Words I got: Melancholy, frantic, macabrely
Rating: General audiences
Word count: 3.0k

Walking up the steps to your apartment, the mindless digging in your purse became increasingly frantic as you failed to pull out your keys. "No, no, no."

You opened up your bag further, looking inside for any sign of the piece of metal that, momentarily, meant your life. You mentally cursed your past self for overlooking the one thing that you're never careless to miss, but the one day you decide to pay no heed to double check your belongings, this happens.

Sighing in frustration, you banged your head upon your apartment door before hearing someone call out your name.

"Hey, are you alright?"

Stopping your rhythmic pounding and instinctively shooting a hand up to the middle of your forehead, you looked up at the hazel eyes of your next-door neighbor as he held grocery bags in his hand. You resentfully noticed how his keys dangled from his jean pocket. "Oh, yes. I'm fine."

He gave you an unconvinced glance which only made the embarrassment increase. You hated being seen like this. Normally, you were fairly organized but of course, he now has to see you in the mess you're in.

"Are you sure? I can always help?" He frowned upon looking at the scene.

He's too nice. You mentally cooed at his concern for others-at his concern for you.

"I'm positive! Everything's perfectly fine."

" there a reason why you're standing out here in the cold when you could be in your warm apartment?"

The gig was up. You knew that you should just admit your carelessness as he so obviously already deduced the situation you were in. But, you, being much too prideful for your own good, continued to add to the lie. "Just getting some fresh air is all. I read somewhere that it's not good to be inside for too long."

His mouth twitched into a sly grin. "Oh, I think I read the same thing. Why don't I keep you company until you're done?"

You groaned inwardly, not wanting to subject him to the harsh coldness because of your mistake. "...You're gonna make me say it, aren't you?"

"I'm listening." He replied in amusement.

"I... locked myself out." You mumbled the last part, hanging your head low in shame.

He, thankfully, didn't ask you to repeat your blunder to further add to his amusement."Did you call the landlady?"

No, I just sat here and waited for the door to magically open. You thought about sarcastically responding. "I did, but she's out of town at a family function and her nephew who usually covers for her is at the same function. But she said she called a locksmith and I'm waiting for her to update me." You chose to politely inform him.

He scratched the nape of his neck, running out of options to assist you. "At least come warm up in my place while you wait."

"Oh, I couldn't. I promise you I'll be fine." You quickly declined with a sweet smile.

"I can't leave you out here to freeze. Not in good conscience." He persisted further before continuing. "I wouldn't be a good neighbor, then, would I?" He added with a wide, heart-stopping grin.

You internally pondered the suggestion for a moment, which is why you hesitated. While you were cold and would literally die to be in the warmth of his apartment, you still felt uncomfortable taking him up on his offer.

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