appearance & insecurities - main four + adult trio

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What small details would be included in their appearance given the circumstances? What are they insecure about?

Rating: Teen and up audiences
Word count: 500

Gon Freecs:

Having spent a frequent amount of time in the outdoors, Gon is tanned. As a result of sun exposure and sun burns, Gon has freckles. It's not genetic, he just either forgets or is too lazy to put on sun screen.

Gon is insecure about his strength. He doesn't like when people compare him to Killua or any of his friends. He worries that one day, he won't be able to protect you because of him being too weak.

Killua Zoldyck:

Killua has hormonal acne. It comes at a certain time each year around his jawline and chin area. He's also not the healthiest eater, and that takes a toll on his body. Killua is gifted with naturally straight teeth, though.

He's insecure about basically everything about him, but hides it with fake confidence. He's afraid that one day, you'll find someone better than him and leave him. He puts himself second when it comes to his loved ones. You, Gon, and Alluka are the most important people to him.

Kurapika Kurta:

Kurapika has baggy eyes. He's constantly tired because he's spent an ample amount of time trying to catch the troupe. He even lacks any form of self-care because of how much revenge has consumed him.

He rarely has any time to focus on himself, so he's never actually sat down and thought about having any type of insecurity.

Leorio Paradinight:

He has a dad gut. Sometimes, he lets himself let loose and gives himself a break from dieting and exercising and that takes a toll on him.

Leorio is insecure about being a burden to his friends. He is the weakest in the group and worries that all of his successes weren't because of his hard work, but because Kurapika, Gon, or Killua did all the work for him.



Chrollo Lucilfer:

His hair is extremely soft and silky and he smells like a new car. His skin is smooth like a porcelain doll. Also, huge cock.

This goes without saying, but he's insecure about not having an identity and lacking originality and creativity. His ability is based off of stealing from others, so that should speak volumes already.

Illumi Zoldyck:

His eyes are pitch black, not just from afar or from an angle. When you look into them, it's like you're staring into a void. His legs are extremely muscular.

He doesn't have any time to focus on insecurities. However, buried deep down inside, he's still sad that he wasn't able to be the heir of the Zoldyck family. As much as he harbors a sick and twisted love for Killua, he still resents him sometimes for passing up such an opportunity,

Hisoka Morow:

His face is, quite literally, perfect. There's no scars, blemishes, bumps, pimples, nothing. His skin is as clear as day. His face is also symmetrical.

Hisoka thinks that he's the strongest no matter who his opponent is, so he has no insecurities. This man is perfect in every way and he knows it.

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