good with the ladies - killua x f!reader

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Killua might be good with the ladies, but isn't that good at consoling a crying reader.

Commissioned piece
Words I got: Deemed, hallucination, frustration
Rating: General audiences
Word count: 700

Whatever sinister, unknown forces caused you to travel on with these boys truly had it out for you.

Now, why you weren't able to swallow your pride and give in to the reality of Gon and Killua being much more powerful than you, you couldn't say.

They were your age, but they were just so strong.

Within the past few days, you've watched them punch Hisoka himself, square in the face, basically master nen, successfully beat two floor masters-they were making so much progress.

No, you weren't giving yourself enough credit. You were strong too, right?

You had to be. If you weren't, Gon and Killua surely would've left you behind by now.

Even so, you couldn't help but feel utterly inferior, almost as if you'd forgotten who you were.

No, that wasn't it.

You've pushed so hard to get here. You've been through so much to earn the title of being a Hunter. Unlike Gon-just wanting to see what he was missing out on, and Killua-looking for a challenge. You cared so much, yet they're doing better than you? It's not fair!

The burning, angered feeling in your chest flared up as you stare into the forest ahead of you.

Come on, run! You internally scolded yourself. You wanted to move, but your firmly planted feet wouldn't allow that. You surely wouldn't be able to forgive yourself if you couldn't simply pick up your feet and move.

All for the sake of proving yourself-but to whom?

You are a child, a hallucination to these people...

The pain in your chest only worsened as you gritted your teeth in frustration, eyes watering as you couldn't bare to hold your emotion in.

You've made it this far. At least there was no one around to hear you-


Nice timing.

"Why're you all the way out here?" The last person you wanted to see, your prodigy friend himself.

"I could ask the same thing." You turned your head away, suddenly taking interest in the branch beside you.

Killua's breath came in gasps as he took breaks between his words. "Playing tag," as if it wasn't obvious. "Do you want to play? Gon is it and he's counting to a hundred."

"I'm busy right now, Killua. I don't want to play games." Your voice was an octave lower as you struggled to keep your tears at bay.

"Are you sure? Come on, I need you to be the distraction."

Why Killua's last remark tipped you over the edge, you couldn't say, but it was enough to get you bawling your eyes out in front of him.

Killua's sly grin quickly dropped into an expression of raw panic. "Wha-? You're crying over that? I was just kidding!" He rushes closer to you, unsure of where to place his hands. He hesitantly attempts to put them on your shoulder, but ultimately shies away.

"Uh, hey, don't cry. I mean, you can, but uh, don't be upset because I'm here now." His usually pale skin was flushed read. He had no idea how to deal with this-you weren't Alluka!


Giving up his inner hand placement feud, he finally decided to envelop you in his grasp, his secure arms wrapping around you lightly. Killua took a deep breath, before deciding on what he was going to say. "You don't have to tell me what's bothering you," This wasn't nearly as bad as fulfilling Alluka's demands. "I'm always right here. You're not alone, that's what friends are for."

It wasn't anyone's fault you felt this way. You had so many friends you could go to for help.

The anger within you subsided into pure serenity-you were comfortable, the mood was comfortable. But, you were still exhausted and hungry, and your legs were sore. You just needed to be held.

"Thank you, Killua."

"We don't have to play tag. I just wanted to mess with Gon. Let's just go home."

He offers a hand, which you accept. Are girls' hands always this soft? Killua couldn't help but rub his thumb over your palm as you both begin to walk home.

You press a brief kiss against his cheek.

Killua is so good with girls.


definitely one of my short works but i jus needed to publish smth


but yall got bare with me with these chapters cuz school and seasonal depression is eatin at me like bitch rn

idek how i managed to come up w this-- i think im just bored rn bc i cannot sleep



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