tracked - yandere!feitan x f!reader

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A mere compliment spirals into a borderline obsession.

Non-Commisioned piece
Words I got: Threateningly, crept, scavenged
Warnings: Brief smut, kidnapping, yandere themes, violence
Word count: 6.0k

Reality was delayed to hit you as your breath came in gasps over your lips. You were literally running completely on adrenaline, the compelling desire to, at last, escape from your living nightmare with Feitan finally winning you over.

You admit that it was sloppy planning on your part, but the opportunity presented itself on a silver platter. The repeated instruction in your head to run was what made you register the gravity of your situation.

Oh God, you thought to yourself as your legs subconsciously carried you as far as they could, you're really doing this. You can't turn back now.

Although inconvenient at that moment, the pattering rain on the sidewalk reminded you of how much you once liked the rain;

how much you once liked Feitan.

It was a memory too favorable for your current situation. A memory you rejected as your survival instincts buried it in the pits of your brain.

Darkness seemed to have crept up on you quicktoo quick, for that matteras you smoothed down your clothes in the mirror. You didn't want to admit it, but a part of you felt that going out alone, all dolled up, was a coping mechanism. One to help you accept the fact that your love life is utterly miserable, that it yearns for satisfaction.

Walking out of your apartment door as you heard a honk, you were immediately hit by a warm breeze which sent a shiver down your spine.

You entered the yellow car, greeting the driver with a simple "good evening" before telling them your destination. The cab drove you downtown, the illuminating glowing signs of casinos and clubs made up for the blackness that enveloped the night.

You gave the driver their pay and a decent tip before heading inside of one of your favorite restaurants, which you really only liked for their drinks.

Upon entering the deserted eatery, your waiter had sat you down in a bar seat, as requested.

"Can I get you started with anything tonight, ma'am?" He had asked you with obvious insincere enthusiasm. You figured he just wanted his shift to end, but you quelled that desire for him.

You looked up from the menu so you could order, taking note of another person present in one of the numerous empty seats.

"I'll take a frozen strawberry daiquiri, please." You gave him a genuine smile, as if that would signal to him that you weren't going to be another bratty customer that he had to deal with.

"Yeah, of course. I'll be back with your order."

With your waiter now gone, you again, looked in the direction of the other individual there with you.

His black cloak matched the aura he gave off, gloomy. You kind of liked that he wasn't flashy with his appearance. And although you could only see half of his face with his mouth being covered by a bandanna, you found him oddly attractive.

It only took the movement of him furrowing his eyebrows for you to catch yourself staring at him. He probably thought you were weird now.

"And here you are." Your server returned, interrupting the awkward situation you were put in. He placed your drink, as well as a straw, in front of you. "Is there anything else I can get you?"

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