their type - gon/killua

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What's their idea of someone who's ideal? What gets them started and just as importantly, what shuts them down?

Rating: General audiences

Gon Freecs:

Gon likes balance in a relationship. He'd prefer someone that is strong. Maybe not as strong as him, because he still wants to be able to protect you, but also not so weak to the point where you'll be a burden to him.

He'd also prefer someone who's adventurous, unafraid of heading into the unknown with him. On that note, winding down with tons of affection and cuddles is also a must, so someone who doesn't mind an abundant amount of clinginess and touching would be ideal.

It goes without saying that no one likes someone who cheats, but Gon's disliking of cheaters is on a whole different level. It could be as simple as tricking him to win a board game to as complex as cheating on him with someone else.

And on that note, he hates liars. Lying to him once about anything remotely simple will cause him to lose every ounce of trust he once had in you.

Killua Zoldyck:

Killua doesn't just want, but needs someone to listen to and reassure him. He often has a lot on his chest that he won't just come out and say, so you would have to ask him what's going on.

He'd prefer someone confident in themselves and their decision making. Killua overthinks and is indecisive, so someone who can help him overcome that would be ideal.

Someone who's entitled and doesn't think of anyone but themselves is an immediate no for Killua. He finds anyone who flaunts any appealing characteristic of themselves without any sense of humbleness incredibly annoying to him as well.

Killua is attracted to personality rather than looks and believes personality can make or break someone's character. So, just because you might look like you were sent from above, doesn't mean you'll get away with having a boring or unlikable personality.


sorry this is short, just had to think of smth quick

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