project seven - killua x f!reader

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Conflict stirs in the Zoldyck family. You wouldn't have guessed, as a mere servant, it would involve you.

Non-Commissioned piece
Rating: Teen and up audiences
Word Count: 2.2k

Killua had been home for only five minutes and he already hated it.

He was away on a mission for a day and a half, which he finished within three hours, but took a long detour to avoid being home for as long as possible.

Passing by Canary, who welcomed him back with a bow per usual, he replied with minimal courtesy. He didn't bother to try again after his failed attempt at friendship with her. Now, he understands more than ever that his family will forever win over anyone around him.

The fact that he's even returned home proves that.

Killua doesn't hate Canary or anything, but upon realizing that she will never go against his family's wishes, he opted to keep his distance to keep her out of trouble.

He will never make friends.

At least, that's what he chants to himself now that he's lost Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio to his family.

Still, something inside him yearns for a connection that he doesn't quite understand.

He was greeted by the bland stone walls of the interior of the Zoldyck estate—a sight he dreaded to see. Candles mounted against the walls dimly lit the hallway as Killua headed further into the mansion. The fact that there was electricity in every room besides the hallway confused him.

Killua missed the sunlight even though he was outside seconds ago.

Milluki's appearance only worsened Killua's mood as he came from around the corner. Judging from the fact that Milluki came out of his room in the first place, strutting towards Killua, he knew something happened.

Something that Killua would not like.

"You were sneaky, I'll give you that. But it's over now." Milluki said smugly, a gleeful smile plastered on his face.

"What?" Killua responded with genuine confusion.

"Mama caught your little girlfriend. There's no doubt they'll punish her—perhaps even kill her."

Girlfriend? The poor boy struggled to make any friends, let alone have a girlfriend. Panic coursed through his head as he tried to remember doing anything with anyone that would rouse his family's anger.

Did they find out about his conversation with Canary? But it was years ago!

"She's new but already proves to be impudent. Servants should know their place."

Immediate dread washed over Killua. So it was Canary!

"What are you talking about?" Killua asked, masking his panic with irritation. He hid his sweaty palms in his pockets, knowing Milluki could see right through his act.

"Don't play dumb!" Milluki spat, "Big brother Illumi caught her. He was going to make her a test subject for Alluka but she refused. She said 'The person who is dearest to me is Master Killua.'" His voice turned a mockingly high-pitched tone when he imitated you.

"Canary said that?" Killua muttered in disbelief. A weird feeling spread over his stomach.

"Are you still trying to defend her? I'm talking about the new hire, the one with [Hair Color] hair."

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