conflict - killua x f!reader

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It's not every day you end up a victim of a robbery.

Non-commissioned piece
Warnings: Violence, threats of violence, mentions of death, kidnapping, cursing, implied murder and illegal organizations, fem reader, Killua's like 17/18 here, nen exists
Sentence prompt: "If you didn't return home, is there anyone that would notice immediately?"
Word count: 5.6k

You froze at the feeling of a sharp object pressed against your neck, the pressure of the hand being held against your lips increasing, ensuring you wouldn't scream out. "Hey. Just do as I say or I'll kill you."

As soon as those words left his mouth, though, you quickly realized the situation you were in.

He paused for a moment, seeing how you'd react in response to his threat. Once he seemed satisfied, he spoke again. "Alright. I just need your wallet."

Slowly, you reached into your purse, scavenging through to find your wallet, making sure he saw that you had no intention of disobeying his orders meaning he wouldn't have to hurt you. The man snatched your wallet from your hands the moment you began to retreat it.

He said your name after pulling out your ID. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Killua. Now, listen to me. I have no intention of hurting you, just stay in line and do what I tell you to, alright?"

Killua? You've heard that name before-that's right. He's a Zoldyck. But what was someone of such status like him doing with someone like you and why would he tell you his name? You've only heard the name from your friend who was a major fan of that family, constantly searching up videos of theories about them.

This was bound to happen at some point. Working second shift as a waitress only to leave basically at midnight to your parked car at the back of the deserted building. A perfect recipe for someone to catch you off guard getting in your car or locking the door.

It was when he spun you around against the wall, resulting in a light yelp from you as your back made contact with the hard stone did you finally come back to your senses. "Hey, do you understand?"

"...Yes." You finally said for the first time since the situation went underway. Not only that, but you also got a good look at his face. He was surprisingly beautiful. His eyes were a dull blue, reflecting the calmest of waters, his silver hair tickling your forehead from the proximity.

He wore a smokey gray hoodie with a slit in the middle of the hoodie as well as knee-length shorts.

"Good." He replied before returning to digging in your wallet, a scowl forming on his face upon seeing the amount of money you had. "...Is this seriously all you have?"

Shaking your head in response, he took your wallet into his pocket before issuing his next order. "Now, give me your phone."

Again, you stuck your hand in your purse, feeling for the rectangular object, pulling it slowly out once you found it just for him to take it.

Since you had one of the newer model phones that required face ID to unlock it, he simply shoved it in your face for it to open. From the reflection of his eyes, it looked like he was scrolling through something.

"If you didn't return home, is there anyone that would notice immediately?"

Didn't return home?

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