wherever we go - killua x f!reader x gon

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Two's a company, but three isn't always a crowd. Silent competition between Gon and Killua evolves into much more when it comes to you.

Non-commissioned piece
Words I got: Difficult, window, embrace
Rating: General audiences
Word count: 3.0k

The world is your oyster. It's as if with each day passing by, a new journey awaits to be embarked. Irreplaceable moments that you cherish because you know that you'll never get a chance to relive these experiences like you do.

At least, that's what it feels like.

Gon and Killua have been with you for what feels like an infinite duration of time, meeting you after reuniting with each other following their previous divide in ways. After hearing tales from them about prior friend groups and trios they've had, all ending with them leaving with each other, it troubled you knowing that there's a lingering possibility that you might just be a temporary pit stop in their lives;

and you hoped your adventures with them wouldn't conclude that way.

However, you chose to live in the moment. In doing so, you never would've realized how rapidly time seemed to slip between your fingers, stopping not even for you. And with each trial and tribulation you've been through with these boys, it somehow landed you residing in a small, mellow cabin atop Whale Island with them.

You stuffed the last of your shirts into your backpack all in preparation for the trip the three of you had planned the following morning. It was Gon's idea and naturally and without hesitation, Killua agreed. For some odd reason, Killua didn't like the idea of just you and Gon spending time together without him.

He felt left out, and although Gon was his best friend, he didn't want to lose you to him.

"Have you guys finished packing?" You shouted down the hallway and followed into your shared bedroom only to find your bed occupied by the two you had spent nearly a quarter of your life with.

It only made sense for the three of you to share a house━ to share a room. Despite your foregoing concern of being only a brief part in the duo's lives, you subconsciously knew that you were a missing puzzle piece to them and them to you. You fit perfectly in the middle of them, without disrupting the shared chemistry between them. At least, you thought you did.

There had been a fair share of times where you had to deal with Gon and Killua's bickering and lately, you noticed that it was over you. They'd have disputes over who'd be able to sit next to you if you sat in booths, they'd buy you gifts and make you pick the better one, or just try to impress you and hold a conversation with you before the other could quickly interject and hold your attention.

Your presence earned glances which turned into long stares from Gon and Killua, following your figure as you frantically paced around the room, looking for anything you could've overlooked that had a designated spot in your bag.

You only paused your search once they had failed to give you a response to your question. "Well, have you?" You repeated, giving them an expecting gaze.

It was Killua who was the first to reply. "Y...yeah."

"Yep. Our bags...our bags are over there." Gon said with a gulp after repeating the first two words, pointing to two bags slouched against one another. One of them tan, with yellow rectangles outlined in a maroon color and the other red with a complicated series of white straps, which you cringed at the thought of having to put on.

You threw your bag to add to the pile before returning to Gon and Killua. Both of them on each side of the bed, leaving a space in the middle for you. They were acting strange. Widened eyes, reddened cheeks, stumbling over their words. All of these gestures were directed towards you, but why?

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