secrets - killua x f!reader

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Odd behavior from your friend isn't at all what it seems.

Non-Commissioned piece
Sentence prompt: You sat in your place, bewildered at his strange behavior.
Rating: General audiences
Word count: 3.0k

"Go, Killua!" You cheered loudly at the TV, causing others beside you to cringe and awkwardly move away.

You were currently in the main lobby of Heaven's Arena, watching Killua fight through one of the small display television screens.

Gritting your teeth in both anger and frustration as Killua was thrown every which way in the arena, you held your breath as he failed to appear from the rubble. Your breath released with a relieved sigh when you saw him standing, looking all the more determined to win the battle.

Killua easily maneuvered through the enemy, keeping Gyo at use in case they tried anything. After a few electric shocks, Killua found himself in an unfortunate situation as the enemy got a hold of his leg, leaving him unable to move.

His struggles and attempts to get away were futile-you froze as the people watching beside you gasped.

"No," you whispered faintly. Your hearing turned muffled and the visual of the TV screen went black as you swayed on your feet.

Steady hands caught you before you fell to the floor. "It's okay!" the woman holding you up exclaimed excitedly. "He used his ability to escape!"

You weakly looked back up at the television to find that the woman was correct. Killua's hair was now sharply protruding as he utilized his Godspeed to get away from his opponent.

"That's amazing!" Someone marveled. "No one can escape from Erza's grip, yet Killua did it no problem!"

You beamed proudly up at the screen as you watched Killua appear above Erza before pounding him into the crumbled concrete of the arena floor. Erza would not be recovering from that any time soon.

The crowd surrounding the TV burst into cheers, however, you could only smile weakly, feeling exhausted from the roller coaster of emotions you went through.

This is exactly why he told you not to watch his fights, you internally scolded yourself before heading to the elevator to make your way to the room you and Killua were staying in.

Upon returning, you placed your shoes neatly near the door and settled on the single, large bed. You looked to see if you had enough time for a quick nap before your evening event, which you did.

Crawling under the cool, sleek sheets, you allowed fatigue to inevitably catch up with you as you fell into a dreamless slumber.

Slowly fluttering your eyes open, you were met with a familiar set of cerulean ones staring back down at you.

"Were you watching me sleep?"

"...No? Why would I do that?" Killua lied.

You brushed it off knowing that even if he was, you could never get him to admit it.

Killua jumped on the bed next to you, making you wobble due to his added weight. "Ah, Kil! You're going to get the bed dirty!" You halfheartedly scolded, not too concerned.

"Not my fault these rooms have white sheets." He replied, looking at the ceiling above the two of you.

You rolled your eyes at his lack of care for your shared space with him.

"Aren't you gonna ask why I'm so dirty?" He asked, slight suspicion in his voice.

Looking away guiltily, you pursed your lips. "Well, I may or may not have seen your fight at the arena. But before you say anything, it's not my fault! I was heading back to our room, minding my own business, when I saw your face appear on the television in front of me. I was basically forced to watch."

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