The Big Fight

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After 5/6 hours of walking Jeff finally finds this Man Called "Slenderman" Jeff asked him if he was the "tall scary man of the draws" that he found hanging on some trees.

But he didn't answer the question and with his tentacle tries to desteoy the tomb of his brother.

Jeff noticed that he wanted to destroy his brother tomb, and he didn't want too so he took the kinfe of his pocket and cut off the tentacle of slenderman.

Jeff with a angry disturbante voice said to Slenderman <<IF YOU THINK YOU CAN DESTROY MY BIG BROTHER TOMB THAT EASLIY YOU ARE REALLY WRONG!>>

Slenderman and jeff started fighting, slenderman tries to break jeff's arm but jeff was an athletic at school so slenderman wasn't able to catch him, Jeff was even really fast and with his Athlete Skill managed to stab Slenderman in the face a couple of times.
After a couple of hours a lady who was staring at them the whole time made many fotos of them fighting but before she wanted to do a other foto Jeff noticed that a mortal was doing fotos of him and slenderman fighting so He whispered to Slenderman saying <<Oi Slender shit there is a mortal of shit that has been stalking and taking pictures of us since we started fighting!>>

The lady thought that they still didn't saw her but then she noticed that they were both staring at her, after she noticed that they were staring at her she troved a bottle of alcohol on jeff and on Slenderman, after she did she gave fire on them and on the forest.

Jeff pretended that he was burning so that the lady would be sure that they were deing after the lady went home Slenderman and Jeff stoped the fire that was burning all the trees of the forest and the pages of Slenderman.

The lady after she finally came home put on her pajama and gose on the PC after she went on the web side to post the News of the day she tries to post the News but a sound of the door creeps her out for a minute she looks behind herself but no one was there then she said <<the door moved because of the wind 100%>> but after she wanted to click on public she heared footsteps, she looked behind herself but still no one was there she started to look everywhere, the only place where she didn't look was in the wardrobe cuz she thought that hiding in the wardrobe was kinda stupid before she stared at the PC again the images changes with a scary foto of Slenderman And Jeff.
After she saw the foto she jumped of the chair and stated to treble after sge got up she gose in the kitchen for grabing her phone and calling the police, but before she called them she heared breathing behind her.

When she turned aroud she found Jeff very very close on her with his scary face Staring at her with a knife on his hand Jeff said to the mortal <<You know many people tried to fotograph us but after we found them they all had a bad and sweet bloody death>>

The lady started to treble more then before, Jeff asked the lady <<Are You Freezing? Well then why are you still awake why aren't you asleep in that empty and warm bed of yours? Are you scared that you won't become one of the most popurlar journalists? Well to bad cuz it looks like you won't become on! GO.TO.SLEEP. Jeff kills the woman and destroys her body like a doll when he was little.

[Jeff childhood]

The Daughter from the family Woods Nightbore came play with the tow boys Liu and Jeffery, but Jeff didn't wanted to play with her cuz Jeff was always a "nah i don't care" and wanted the attention of his brother and his parents only for himself so he decided to do somthing bad to make her cry and make her go home to her "mommy" and "daddy" After the Nightbores Daughter said <<Liu, Jeff i'm going a minute to the toilet, i'll leave my doll here please watch out on her while i'm not here.

Jeff and Liu said <<sure!>> Liu's and Jeff's mom called them for helping her cocking they both answered back with a Yes but before Jeff gose he said to his brother <<hey Liu i'm going to warn alice (The nightbores Daughter) that we are in the kitchen.

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