A Privat Talk With Masky.

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Slenderman POV

Jeff knocked on the door?!
Did he really knocked on the door?!
Wow i didn't expect that after 7 years he would finally knock on this damn door, i'm surprised but happy cuz like this i won't have to fix this damn door again, but i think that Jeff is here for a reason.
So i started talking saying <<hello Jeff, what brings you here?>>
He siad in a joking way<<what, Now can't i stay even with my boyfriend for a bit?>>
We both laugh and i said <<what do you want to do jeff?>>
Jeff said <<well Jane blocked me the way from the kitchen 3/4 minutes ago saying that sally took my place of cocking for a whole week. But why? I don't mind resting for 1 or 2 days but a whole week is like stealing somthing important from me cuz i always liked to cock so i don't understand why a whole week is there somthing that i don't know about?>>

At first i didn't say anything but then i answered cuz i was trying to find a good excuse for him <<well i do know you like cocking but i was thinking that it would be nice that you rest a bit and that maybe Jane could teach her a little how to cock since sally loves cocking too>>
He looked at me with a questioning expression and said <<but why can't I give her the cooking tutorial to sally? Is it so necessary that Jane does it? Look, I know that you want me to rest a little and that I take care of myself but already take care of myself I do not need you to be the one to say if I have to stop in the kitchen to cook, you know very well that I like to cook and I do not want you to be the one to stop me.>>

I was getting a bit nervous and then in a cold way i said <<Jeff i said that you have to rest a bit and i don't care if you like it or not!>>
Jeff looked bad at me and said nothing he tried to say somthing but before he could he stopped, He clenched his fists and walked out of my office but this time he hadn't even slammed the door against the wall just to get it closed, this time he was just angry and didn't want to talk to anyone.
Maybe I shouldn't have been so cold and emotional with him...

Jeff POV
Fuck off everything!
Fuck off all this creepypasta that talk behind my backs!
Fuck off Slenderman!
Fuck off this mension!
Fuck off this Proxy thing!
Fuck off my parents death!
Fuck off zalgo!
Fuck off God!
Fuck off Satana!
Fuck off everyone!

I hate everyone! Maybe if i go to sleep i won't ne so angry anymore...
I think that i just have to calm down just like Slenderman said but i still don't understand why he would let me do anything i want But that he forbids me to cook, I have had enough that all those who live here talk behind my back and tell themselves secrets with which I am always in the middle of these secrets!
I don't know anymore who i should trust anymore!

I went out of my room and asked jane if she xould let me pass, but like before she said no... So i asked her where Masky was... And she said that he was cleaning his bedroom.

So I went in his and hoodies bedroom and before I came in I knocked on the door and Masky said <<Come in>>
I went in and went to Masky.
He was kinda surprise to see me but then he did pat pat on his bed, meaning that he wanted me to sit on his bed.
Masky said <<hello Jeff, is everything alright?>>
I didn't answer but them i moved my head left and right, meaning that it wasn't everything alright...
He said <<whats wrong?>>
I asked him if he had again time to talk with me tonight, he nodded and started talking about this and that And we wait for the dinner time to arrive and then put on our pajamas and pretend to sleep and then go out again to talk about what torments us of staying here and what torments us about our relationship with our boyfriends...

Finally the time came, it was time, i went outside and i saw masky Smoking and holding an other cigarette plus a Lighter, probably the second cigarette was for me, in fact i was right! He gave me the cigarette but this time i didn't use the lighter but i used an other way To light my cigarette, I took the cigarette and brought it closer to the masky cigarette that was still lit. And then I put it in my mouth and started smoking.

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