So Ti Was All A Dream...?

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Jeff's POV:

I woked up i was in my room but it wasn't my room from Slendermans mansion it was my old room when i was still together with my family... I felt like everything i had with everyone was just a dream...

After I noticed that somenom has laid his head on my... Old bed, I noticed that i was a boy... He seesms like to have 19/26 years old he was sleeaping and at the same time some tears fell of his eyes... He looked like my brother but that would be impossible cuz i remeber that i killed my brother... After i stand up i watch my self on the mirror and...

<<WTF... I... NO ITS IMPOSSIBLE IT CAN'T BE REAL...! WAKE UP! WAKE THE FUCK UP JEFFERY!>> I started screaming because after i watch my self on the mirror i... Wasn't dead anymore... My skin colour is normal again my black hair where back dark brown... My eyes where again blue like the ocean... And i didn't have my cut on my mouth that i made... So it was all a dream??

<<Are you telling me that in this 7 years everything that i had with masky, hoodie, toby, sally, jane and slenderman was all fake? It was all a dream? No.. It can't be.... >>

The strange guy who had his head laid on the my old bed comes in the bathroom because he heared me screaming...

The strange guy POV:

Jeff is awake? With what?! JEFF IS AWAKE?! YESSSS I KNOW IT HE COULD DO IT! After it i hugged him and started crying...

<<Jeff i'm so happy you're awake!>>

Jeff answered <<I'm sorry but who are you where am I?

The guy was stoked and started crying more...

The guy answerd to my question while he was sobbing... <<jeff don't you remeber me? Its me Liu you'r big brother remeber? I know i don't look like the guy from 7 years ago but its still me... >>

Jeff asked him/Liu <<what do you mean by 7 years ago..?

He/Liu answerd Jeff <<well come with me and i'll explain everything >>

I followed the man that says to be Liu even if i think he is lying... We sited on the couch, the house was completely different... Then i noticed that this house wasn't even our house... It was a house from a other person... I asked the men who said to be Liu

<<If you are Liu then where are our parents, our old House when we were at New Horllins... How can I be sure that you are really my brother?...>>

The man answered the question and said <<well remeber when we had to go to school? Our first day of school?

I answered and said <<well yeah of course i remeber that day where we meet the bullies troi, rendy and Keith... >>

Jeff's POV:

The guy looked at me a bit confused like he didn't know what i was talking about... But then a strange smell came from the kitchen... The smell wasn't like disgutic or a unliked smell that people don't wanna even breath...

But that smell was like somenom just cooked a pie or cupcakes...

The man looked at me that i was smelling at that smell of pie or cupcakes and said <<it looks like you are hungry.>> he started laughing a bit...

When i noticed that he was laughing i started becoming all red in my face because of the embarrassment

(not a ship, if you ship Liu x Jeff or Jeff x Sally get the heck out of here cuz i don't like people who ships jeff with Liu or With Sally!)

Jeff said <<sorry its just that well yeah... I'm hungry...

The man said <<ho don't worry jeff its normal you haven't eat for 7 years so don't worry... >>

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